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October 25,2012

RE: Emily Stout


It is my pleasure to submit the foilowing letter of recommendation in honor of Emily Stout. Emily has been a leader in Advanced Placement English for the past two years. She is one of those 'ideal' students who represent the rewards of teaching; she is a teacher's dream student. Her academic work is exemplary; her admiration and assistance with her peers is compassionate and caring; her attitude and character is above reproach. She is an excellent student. She comes
to each ciass prepared and the quality of her assignments exceeds expectations. She contributes in an intelligent, polite manner, and has a pleasant curiosity to learn.

Emily is a delightfi.rl young iady. In addition to being an excellent student, she represents Springport High School as a leader in many capacities. She is a member of Springport's National Honor Society, the quiz bowl team, and the art club. Her impressive art adorns the halls and
band room.

Emily is a member of the track and field team and takes part in 4H. Her talents are also shared out in the community when she takes part as a bell ringer during the holiday season. Her smile alone radiates a room. Emily is an outstanding student, a great role model for her peers, and a talented young lady who takes the upmost pride in everything she does. She is kind, polite, and well poised. eiirity will do well at any endeavor she wishes to pursue. I recommend her most highly aird feel honored to have had her as a student in AP English for the past two years.


\4rs. La)rman, AP English Teacher
Springport High School

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