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Maher 2012 2013

6th Grade Social Studies

Unit: Creativity
Learning Goals 4.6 Know how the features of particular localities inuence the nature of human activities within them 4.8 Know how people and their actions affect the environment and physical features of a place 4.18 Be able to explain the relationships between physical characteristics and human behaviours that shape a region 4.23 Develop an understanding of how and why people seek to manage and sustain their environment

Innovation happens when existing ideas are brought together or expressed in a new way.

Geography Lesson: Irrigation

Assessment & Application

Build an irrigation system that gets water from one place to another

How do people use natural elements and their environment to help them survive? How does our own creativity play a role in our inventions?

Strategies and Activities

Monday - 80 minutes Identify what irrigation is and how it works. Word web the negative affects of having no clean available water Look at PumpAids Elephant pump to show a creative use of materials to provide a water pump to a village in Zimbabwe. Analyze the pros and cons and look at some more ways we receive clean water. Chart and plan our ideas on paper with our group members Tuesday - 40 minutes Begin brainstorming ideas and constructing our irrigation project Wednesday - 80 minutes Finish constructing our projects Present our designs to the class and Ms. MacRae Go over consolidation questions and each others projects and the creativity used.

Differentiation & Materials

Verbal-Lingusitic: presenting evidence Logical-Mathematical: good at reasoning, recognizing patterns and how to solve problems Siphons Cups Popsicle sticks Boxes Twine/Ribbon/Rope/String

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