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Describe Display. GGobi data visualization system.









Recreate publication quality displays in R

is an R package that provides a way to recreate ggobi graphics in R. The R package takes the R scripts describing the ggobi plots produced by the plugin and reproduces the plots in R. These can be saved as pdf or some other format for inclusion in papers. Most of the figures in the upcoming book on R and ggobi were produced this way.

From R, run:

Getting started

To save a plot from GGobi, click on Describe Display in the tools menu. If you can't see this menu, then you do not have the DescribeDisplay plugin installed. Please contact the GGobi mailing list for more help.

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01/06/2010 19:02

Describe Display. GGobi data visualization system.

Then, in R, use

to load the file into a R object:



for producing graphics.

Download GGobi 2.0 for Linux, OS X and Windows. The GGobi blog has all the latest news, don't forget to check it out

Learn how to use GGobi with the manual, the book, and the demo movies If you're having problems the mailing list is a great place to startwe're all very friendly!

Last modified 22 Aug 2007. 2010. Licenses If you want contribute to the development of GGobi you'll find the information you need in the developers' section

Research related to this page is sponsored by National Science Foundation grant #0706949 titled "Statistical Graphics Research in Association with GGobi", from May 2007-May 2009.

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01/06/2010 19:02

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