Environmental Biology Course Requirements List

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E N V I R O N M E N T A L S T U D I E S P R O G R A M SSPENVIRONMENTALSCIENCEBIOLOGYPROGRAMREQUIREMENTS 2011/2012 BrianCumming,BiosciencesRm.3134a,5336153,cummingb@queensu.


Advisors: ThefouryearB.Sc.(Honours,SSP,EnvironmentalBiology)requiresaminimumof120.0units intotal. Completed CoreScience&SocialScienceCourses:69.0units 6.0unitsinBIOL102(Intro.BiologyofCells)and BIOL103(Intro. BiologyofOrganisms) 6.0unitsfromCHEM112(GeneralChemistry)or CHEM116(FundamentalChemistry) 6.0unitsfromGPHY101(HumanGeography)and GPHY102(EarthSystemScience) 3.0unitsinGEOL104(TheDynamicEarth) 6.0 units from MATH 122 or MATH 121 or MATH 120 or MATH 111 or (MATH 123 and MATH124) 15.0 units from BIOL 201(Diversity of Life I), BIOL 202(Diversity of Life II), BIOL 205(Introduction to Genetics I), BIOL 206(Introduction to Genetics II), BIOL 243(Data ManagementandAnalysis) 3.0 units from BIOL 339(Animal Physiology) or BIOL 341(Plant Physiology) or BCHM 310 (GeneralBiochemistry) 3.0unitsfromBIOL302(PopulationandEvolutionaryEcology)or BIOL303(Communityand EcosystemEcology) 3.0unitsinBIOL307(FieldSchool) 3.0unitsinBIOL330(CellBiology)orMBIO218(MolecularBiology) 3.0unitsinENSC203(ExplorationsinEnvironmentalStudies) 3.0unitsinENSC390(Sustainability) 3.0 units from PHIL 154 (Introductory Philosophy of Science) or PHIL 293 (Humans and the Natural World) or PHIL 493 (Ethics and the Environment) or RELS 235 (Religion and Environment) 6.0 units from ENSC 430 (Honours Projects in Environmental Sustainability) or ENSC 501 or ENSC502

3.0unitsinGEOL 3.0 units from ENSC Specialization Options B: BIOL 335(Limnology and Aquatic Ecology), GEOL 106(Environmental Geology and Natural Hazards), GEOL 107(History of Life), GEOL 200(Oceanography), GPHY 210(Geographical Perspectives on Global Change), GPHY 304 (Arctic and Periglacial Environments), GPHY 306(Natural Environmental Change), GPHY 310(Landscape Ecology), GPHY 314(Climatic Change), GPHY 318(Biogeography), ENSC 201 (Environmental Toxicology and Chemical Risks), ENSC 301(Environmental Assessment), ENSC 307(Marine Environmental Issues), ENSC 320(Wildlife Issues in a Changing World), ENSC 325(Ecotoxicology), ENSC 407(Global Water Issues), ENSC 471(Environmental Analysis Methods), ENSC 480(Special Topics in Environmental Science), ENSC 481(Special TopicsinEnvironmentalScienceII)
Updated: Sept. 12, 2011


3.0 units of ENSC Integrative Social Science and Humanities from ENSC 200(Environmental History), ENSC 290(Intro. To Ecological Economics) or ECON 290(Intro. to Environmental Economics), ENSC 305(Environmental Sociology), ENSC 310(Environmental Policy), ENSC 315(Global Food Security, Agriculture and Environment), ENSC321(Environmental Justice), ENSC420(GenderandEnvironments),ENSC482(SpecialTopicsinEnvironmentalStudies),ENSC 490(TheEconomicsofSustainableDevelopment) 6.0unitsfromBIOL334(ComparativeBiochemistry)andCHEMatthe200levelorabove; or6.0unitsfromCHEMatthe200levelorabove 21.0unitsfromOptionList2Eior2Eii i.BiologyResearchThesisOption a. 9.0unitsfromBIOLatthe300levelorabove b. 12.0unitsfromBIOL537 ii.BiologySeminarOption a. 18.0unitsfromBIOLatthe300levelorabove b. 3.0unitsfromBIOL501536

NOTES: StudentsconsideringathesisinPhysiologyshouldtakeBIOL340and/or342) PHYS104,106orPHYS107arestronglyrecommended.

Updated: Sept. 12, 2011

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