1.4. Fixed Point Iteration 11

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The multiplier of a cycle is seen to be the same at every point of the cycle. Example 1.9. Find a root of the equation f (x) = x3 + 4 x2 10 = 0 in the interval [1, 2] by xed point iterative schemes and study their convergence properties. Solution. Since f (1)f (2) = 70 < 0, the equation f (x) = 0 has a root in the interval [1, 2]. The exact roots are given by the Matlab command roots p=[1 4 0 -10]; % the polynomial f(x) r =roots(p) r = -2.68261500670705 + 0.35825935992404i -2.68261500670705 - 0.35825935992404i 1.36523001341410 There is one real root, which we denote by x , in the interval [1, 2], and a pair of complex conjugate roots. Six iterations are performed with the following ve rearrangements x = gj (x), j = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, of the given equation f (x) = 0. The derivative of gj (x) is evaluated at the real root x 1.365. x = g1 (x) =: 10 + x 4x2 x3 , x = g2 (x) =: x = g3 (x) =: x = g4 (x) =: 1 2 (10/x) 4x, 10 x3 , 10/(4 + x),
g1 (x ) 15.51, g2 (x ) 3.42,

g3 (x ) 0.51, g4 (x ) 0.13 g5 (x ) = 0.

x3 + 4x2 10 , 3x2 + 8x The Matlab function M-le exp1_9.m is x = g5 (x) =: x

function y = exp1_9(x); % Example 1.9. y = [10+x(1)-4*x(1)^2-x(1)^3; sqrt((10/x(2))-4*x(2)); sqrt(10-x(3)^3)/2; sqrt(10/(4+x(4))); x(5)-(x(5)^3+4*x(5)^2-10)/(3*x(5)^2+8*x(5))]; The following iterative procedure is used. N = 6; x=zeros(N+1,5); x0 = 1.5; x(1,:) = [0 x0 x0 x0 x0]; for i = 1:N xt=exp1_9(x(i,2:5)); x(i+1,:) = [i xt]; end The results are summarized in Table 1.4. We see from the table that x is an attractive xed point of g3 (x), g4 (x) and g5 (x). Moreover, g4 (xn ) converges more quickly to the root 1.365 230 013 than g3 (xn ), and g5 (x) converges even faster. In fact, these three xed point methods need 30, 15 and 4 iterations, respectively,

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