Plague Toad

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Plague Toad

The blackest, filth-choked lagoons and lightless sumps of the PlagueFathers realm have served as spawning ground to all manner of daemonic beasts and foul creatures, both nightmarish and base. Among the lesser of these blasphemous creatures although by no means the least foul are the Plague-Toads, also known as rot-eaters, and sewerkin; mutated, toad-like bags of brackish filth and pus whose wide maws can swallow a man whole. These semi-sentient Daemon-vermin are, by some reckoning, bloated Nurglings swelled to enormous proportions by indulging their appetites and wallowing in the worst noisome decay, while others maintain they are devolved and accursed Plaguebearers, punished for their failure to maintain Nurgles tally. In either case they are the victim of the petty abuses and ire of Nurgles other get. As well as being dragged along like pestilent flies in the wake of Chaos summonings and Daemonic incursions, these maligned Daemons are drawn to places of disease and decay in the mortal world, such as the dank reaches of sewer-pits and stagnant mires, devouring the unwary that cross their path and finding sustenance in suffering and befoulment. It is in such locales as these that those well-versed in the lore of the Plague-Father can corral the beasts, and bind them to their will, offering them the chance to glut their appetites on yet-uncorrupted flesh.

Profile Plague Toad Unit Size: 3+ Unit Type: Monstrous Beast Equipment: Gelid horn and vile tongue (hand weapon)

M WS BS 6 3 0

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 1

A 2

LD 5

24 points per model

Special Rules: Immune to Psychology Fear Poisoned Attacks Ward Save (5+) Strider Marsh/Swamp Daemonic Attacks Daemonic Instability

SPECIAL RULES Daemonic Attacks: The Plague Toads are a manifestation of Chaos, and all their attacks are magical. Daemonic Instability: Plague Toads are daemonic creatures, and when a unit of them loses a combat they must take a special kind of Break test, called a Daemonic Instability test. In multiple combats, each unit of Plague Toads must test separately. First, calculate combat resolution normally and roll 2D6. Then, compare the dice roll to the Plague Toads Leadership value, including any modifiers for combat resolution. For each point the unit fails its instability test by, it loses a wound with no saves of any kind allowed. Note that a Daemonic Instability test is a Break Test (albeit of a special kind) and can be re-rolled due to the Hold Your Ground! special rule, and/or be taken on unmodified leadership if the unit is stubborn. Fear, Poisoned Attacks, Immune to Psychology, Ward Save (5+) and Strider Marsh/Swamp: see the Warhammer Rule Book. Plague Toad units may be taken as Core choices in Daemons of Chaos armies, and as Special choices in a Warriors of Chaos army which also contains at least one Character bearing the Mark of Nurgle.

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