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Lesson 14

Ava Sthapit

Mary was a sinner. She had a

reputation all over the town, but hadnt been that way before. She had a brother and a sister. (Lazarus and Martha.) Before she was a sinner, she was probably the cheerful girl who made the home a pleasant place to live in.

A man name Simon led Mary to immortality.

After that day onwards, Mary's self respect was

shattered, she felt worthless, and most of all, she was guilty. She thought she had no choice but to continue the immortality. And thats when Satan took charge of her mind . So to save her familys reputation in the town, she moved to Magdala.

When Mary moved to Magdala,

she probably first heard about the carpenter of Nazareth talking about sin, forgiveness, healing, and a new way of life. Mary went to Jesus and cried for help, and thats where Jesus forgave her.

Marys sinful ways had become a habit, and that led

her back to her sinful ways. Jesus forgave Mary so many times that in no time, Mary had become a new person.

One day, Simon had a great feast for thanking

Jesus. Simon had leprosy, and Jesus had healed him. Simon invited all the important people of Bethany, including Lazarus and Martha. Mary went there too, but she tried staying near Jesus as close as she could, to not be visible.

Mary had this alabaster box she

took around with her all the time. When she heard that Jesus was going to die, she busted the perfume in the alabaster box and poured it on Jesus head and feet, washed it with her tears, and wiped it with her long hair. Everyone started to criticize Mary, But Jesus told everyone that she was the only one who cared to do that to him.

Simon saw what Mary was doing to Jesus, and Jesus

knew what Simon had done to her. Jesus told a parable that only Simon could understand. One man owed the third man 500 days and the second one owed 50. but none of them could pay their debt. So the third man cancelled both their debts. So the man who owed the larger debt was loved more.

Then Jesus said that Mary was

the only one who cared to wash his feet, not with water, but with perfume. After that, Simon became a humble follower of Jesus. And as the tragic days followed, Mary stayed as close to Jesus, and was also the first one to see Jesus after he resurrected.

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