Engine Room Pre-Departure Check List

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Vessel : Depart Port : Voyage : ETD : Date : OHN : FORM NO : SEHQ/TEC-03 Tick COMPONENT Inform C/E or 2/E Clock Engine Telegraph Generator Engine Steering Gear Bow Thruster Engine Movement Book Engine Log Book Boiler Berning Apparatus Aux. Engines Main Engine DESCRIPTION Follow the C/E standing order E/R & Bridge clock synchronized Check response from Bridge & alarm Synchronized Generator Engine on load Make sure in good working condition As tested with Bridge and check load Ready for use & note all details Ready for use & note all details Start & Maintain air pressure Checked condition of Aux. Engine M/E warm up Check and Start L.O. pump, cool F.W system level, Temp & Pressure are in order M/E warn up Turn M/E with turning Gear & supply CYL intermittently by manual Check & prepare to starting air system and control air system Disengaged Turning Gear Kick on Air & check if any water or oil blow off from engine Lubricate all moving parts maneouvering mechanism M/E fuel trial ahead/astern Apply << One Hour Notice before Departure. Tick in front of each item and mark N/A if non-appliance Checking Time [ ] REMARK

Duty Engineer

Chief Engineer

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