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Why the survey?

(Whats in it for me)

For DYC: 1. To know what are the issues and struggle of the children. 2. Where do they go for support and are they satisfied with it? 3. What kind of support are they looking for?

For Schools: 1. To know how to get better academic results? a. Distractions cause the students to not be able to concentrate on studies, loose interest and make bad choices, hence their academic results go down. So school would like to know what are the distractions and whats causing it. 2. Activities inside and outside the school causing disciplinary problems and eventually affecting the schools image. a. Schools are big on discipline and taking measures to ensure discipline amongst their students both inside and outside the campus, hence would like to know the factors causing discipline issues and how can their students be empowered in the direction of being self discipline. They would have one thing less to stress about. 3. What are students impression about school, education extracurricular etc.

For students: Why should they fill up the questionnaire? 1. Usual intro and rapport building masala : suicide, support, wont go away, stats, want to be relevant, history, DYC etc. 2. Self-introspecting and reflecting questionnaire: Distraction with respect to different areas. 3. Relationship, Career and personality development were found to be the most convincing words for them

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