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MARCH 22, 2009

Becoming Strong in the Lord (Part 2) 2 Samuel 5

What a life of surrender and submission can do

Strength is an advantage. Strong people are respected, envied, emulated,

and the uncertainties of today’s world make it even more important. We
need to be strong in the Lord. God strengthens people who surrender their
lives to Him and submit to His ways.

God Builds Their Morale (6-10)

David sets his sights on Jerusalem, drove its inhabitants away and took it as
the center of his kingdom. His morale was so high because the Lord was with
him. Morale is the confident mental and emotional condition of an individual
or a group with regards to doing a task at hand. In Christian terms, it is
called faith and it is because of the Lord.

God Expands Their Territory and Influence (11-12)

After David’s conquest of Jerusalem, Hiram, king of Tyre, wanted to make
friends with him. Hiram sent messengers to David, gave him gifts of cedars
and even sent him carpenters and stone masons to build his palace. His
kingship was being established more and more. You want God to expand
your territory, influence and receive God’s blessings? Surrender your life to
God and submit to His ways.

God Gives Them Victories (17-25)

When David’s name starts getting somewhere, the Philistines also started
destroying him. But they were no match for David because God gave him
victories as he sought God’s will in everything. God always give His victory to
those who surrender to Him, make Him the Lord of their lives and submit to
His rule.

Indeed, great things happen when a person surrenders to God and submits
to His ways. May we all learn to live a life of surrender and submission to
God and experience all that He has in store for us


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