Saber Vs Conocer

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Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Spanish 1B Grade Level: 8th Grade Topic: Saber vs.

Conocer Expectation(s) and Learning Skills Today students will:

Name: Jacklin Luciano Date: February 21, 2013 Time and Length of Period: 40 minutes

- Conjugate the verbs saber and conocer in the present tense. - Identify the differences between the uses of the verbs saber and conocer. - Demonstrate the ability to correctly select between uses and forms of the two verbs. - Determine when to use each verb by utilizing travel vocabulary/expressions from previous lessons. - Explain reasons for choosing saber and conocer in a given situation. Pre-assessment Prior to lesson students will have been presented to unit vocabulary in various ways as to reach out to students of all learning levels (i.e.: YouTube videos, SMARTnotes presentation, vocabulary sheets.) Understanding of material will be assessed on individual and choral responses in class as well as quality of in class and home assignments, some of which will be collected. During these observations and within these assignments, the teacher will focus on appropriate use of vocabulary, structure and spelling. In order to pre-assess students the day of the lesson, students will be given a warm up activity where they will identify two verbs presented during the introduction of unit vocabulary. They will be asked to define and conjugate these two verbs to see if there are any students successfully identify the irregularities in the yo conjugations and can differentiate between the meanings of the two verbs Resources and Materials - Vocabulary from Chapter 1 of Buen viaje! - SMARTnotes Handout: Vocabulary Identification Do Now, Two Rounds of Destino Misterioso Game, Telephone Game Rules, Student Name Generator. - Paper - Chalk board with additional descriptive vocabulary Content SPANISH 1B: Travel - Saber vs. Conocer - The Airport & Travel Teaching/Learning Strategies Opening Activity: Upon entering the class the teacher will play the song Me imagino by Simoney. Although this song uses advanced grammatical structures it extensively uses the verbs saber and conocer. Students will begin by defining and conjugating the verbs saber and conocer. Prior to the

lesson students went over the general definitions for these verbs (to know) but were not prepped on the different uses. Once students have completed the Do Now the teacher will ask them to share their answers with the class. She will star the yo form of the verbs to signal students thinking about the irregularity of these verbs. Once students have conjugated all verbs the teacher will reveal the correct conjugations sparking conversation about irregular verbs and how they differ from regular verbs. She will also point out that although these verbs technically mean the same thing they differ in use. She will ask students to give examples of other verbs that do this such as ser vs. estar and pedir vs. preguntar. Introduction of Main Lesson, Routines and Procedures: 1. After the Do Now the students will review notes on the verbs saber and conocer. In these notes they will become familiar with the correct conjugations in the yo form as well as the different uses. To promote critical thinking, the teacher will show the students two sentences for each verb and ask them to share their ideas of what the rules might be based on these examples. Once several students have answered the teacher will reveal the uses for students to record in their notes. 2. Students will then receive five English sentences. Using the notes, students will be asked to identify which verb would be used in each situation. They will also have to document why they chose a particular verb. Once students have individually recorded their answers they will share them with classmates. 3. Using the SMARTboard vortex interactive tool, the class will be presented with a variety of travel vocabulary and expressions. They will be asked to associate these words with either saber or conocer. To effectively assess students understanding and promote uniform participation, students will be asked to raise a sheet of paper that has conocer on one side and saber on the other for each situation presented. Once the teacher has had a chance to view all students work they will take turns sharing their reasons for their choice. 4. Students will receive 10 sentences to work on individually (these sentences are linked to In these sentences they will choose which verb to use, conjugate the verb to match the subject of the sentence and identify why they chose saber or conocer. The teacher will walk around to assess all students progress and offer tips and encouragement where necessary. Once all students are done she will call on students at random to share their responses. Even if students do not raise their hands they can be called on so it is necessary for all to be prepared to participate. The teacher will focus on some of the nuances found in these sentences and use the autocorrect on this interactive feature so students can view their score. Lesson Conclusion To assess students understanding of conjugations and the uses of the verbs ser and conocer, students will receive an exit ticket that will require them to use both. These four examples will relate to the unit vocabulary and will be collected as students exit the class. The teacher will use these exit tickets not only to assess understanding at the end of the lesson but also to modify upcoming lessons. Assessment / Evaluation Students will be assessed on in-class observations, formative assessment (saber/conocer signs) and exit tickets. Students will be evaluated on:

- Conjugations of the verbs saber and conocer in the present tense sentences. - Correct identification/election of saber and conocer in present tense sentences. - Ability to explain why they choose saber over conocer and vice versa. - Recognize unit vocabulary and associate these expressions with saber and conocer. Further assessment will be obtained through weekly quiz and during extra-help sessions held after or before school.

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