Hear The Latest and Give Your Views On The Bridge Closure Works

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Hear the latest and give your views on the bridge closure works

Tuesday 16 April, 7-9pm

at Granton Primary School, Granton Road, SW16 5AN All welcome
For more information email streathamcommonstation@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 0330

10486 CE (4.13)

Dear Resident We would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss phase 3 of the works being done to the train station and the bridge at Streatham Common station. The event is organised by Lambeth Council and Network Rail and is at Granton Primary School on Tuesday 16 April from 7-9pm. We want to update you on the next phase of the project and what it means for both traffic and pedestrians. We welcome your views on how to get through the project quickly and to make sensible decisions for local businesses and residents. The meeting starts at 7pm. There will be presentations and a question and answer session. You will then get time to talk to Network Rail, TfL (Transport for London) and Lambeth Council. So do come along even if you cant stay for the whole meeting.
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Granton Primary School

Granton Road, SW16 5AN

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Granton Primary School, Granton Road, SW16 5AN

For more information email streathamcommonstation@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 0330.

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