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Writing Reports

Reports have some characteristics that set them apart from other types of writing.
Thy are always factual

The information they provide can be verified

They usually follow a specific format.

They are aimed at people with a specific interest in that area.

Kinds of Reports:

Accidents / Incidents Events Meetings Experiments Business Matters

We find a large number of reports covering a number of topics in newspapers everyday. Look at the following report. Do they have all the characteristics?
Who would be interested in reading this report?

Can the information in the report be verified?

Are only facts included in the report?

These are newspaper reports. What format do they have?

What source have these facts come from?

Accidents and Incidents

Questions: You are Amrit / Anita of the Sigma Youth Organization. You witnessed the ghastly accident of the Punjab Mail at Bhusaval. Write a report in 150 -200 words, of the disaster for your organizations news letter. Begin: Deaths and disaster come uninvited .. At the station to see my friend off a goods train just left the station Punjab mail coming from the opposite direction a deafening sound of collision a head-collision two on the same track four boggies got derailed. A ghastly accident dead bodies lying over the rails people started rushing doctors and medicine

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