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Legacy Concert Planning Comm.

Attendees 1. Tony Roberts
4. Denise Moses 2. Bethany Wherry 5. Rev. Marco McNeil

1/5/2012 7:30 PM
3. Dr. Wanda Wherry 6. Viola Colbert

Notes From Last Year: The Letter Reading It was a bit much. It ran too long. Singer Perspective Recommendations for things to add: Meal being close was good Leaving the building to get to the meal without notice was not Singers were not prepared to be in the cold weather Most did not know where to enter the building when they arrived at the theater Rehearsals were great! Having seats preset on the stage for the performance was wonderful Stood for an odd amount of time backstage during intermission, which made them tired and hurt their feet Have greeters indoors and outdoors to show participants the way to designated locations (entrances, dressing rooms, etc.) Tony would like two (2) Pastors who are not currently associated with the event to do reflections during the concert o Limit: two (2) minutes per person o Church Recommendations Covenant Presbyterian Church, Bob Henderson, Pastor Calvary Church, Dr. John H. Munro, Senior Pastor Northside Baptist Church, Brian Boyles, Senior Pastor of Northside Ministries Will be called Pastors and Leaders Reception There will be a table set aside for brochures/marketing materials to publicize the Homiletics, Hymns & Spirituals Conference at Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Marco McNeil will provide brochures and any other materials that will be laid out on the table For any people who have questions, both Pastor Wherry and Rev. Marco will be available during the reception to answer them If you know any businesses that might want to buy add space in the concert program please send their information to Tony Roberts (704) 907-3247 or Be thinking about some businesses that might be willing to donate some of their products so we can put together a gift bag to give to the choir. Make initial contact with them if possible More chairs so everyone can have a place to sit More space in the room so people are not so cramped o Possibly put each section of the choir in their own room Set up a hospitality table with at least water available Provide a place to hang coats/clothes (clothing racks) Page 1

VIP Room:

Business Donations/Add Space:

Requests for Dressing Room Changes:

Next Meeting:

Next Thursday, 1/12/2012 @ 7:30 PM (During rehearsal) We will use that time to follow up on all progress and discuss any new details that might come up Tomorrow, Friday 1/6/2012 @ 3:00 PM. Meet at the front lobby door Address: 430 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202

Knight Theater Walk Through:

Homework Assignments
Denise 1. Make contact with the businesses you thought of during the meeting who might be willing to donate products Marco 1. Printed materials for the Homiletics, Hymns & Spirituals Conference Everyone 1. Be thinking of Pastors who might be willing to give reflections 2. Keep thinking of businesses to donate products/purchase add space 3. Attend the walk through of the Knight if youre available tomorrow.

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