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Example of complete report 1. Problem statement :What is the effects of pH on the activity of pepsin? (with question mark ??

) 2. Aim : To study/investigate the effects of pH of the medium on the activity of pepsin. 3. Hypothesis : An acidic medium of pH 3 is optimum for the activity of pepsin. (related MV and RV) 4. Variables : Manipulated variable: pH of the medium (write ONE only for each ) :Responding variable : condition of mixture after 20 minutes/ /activity of the pepsin/enzyme :Controlled variable : volume/concentration of albumen suspension/ volume/concentration of pepsin solution/ Temperature of water bath 4A & 4M 3 MARKS 5. Materials : Albumen suspension, 1% pepsin, 0.1M hydrochloric acid, 3A & 3M 2 MARKS (write ALL ) 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution and distilled water. 2A & 2M 1 MARKS Apparatus : Beakers and thermometers and Bunsen burner/water bath, (write ALL ) boiling tube,pH paper, stop watch 6. Technique : Observe and record the condition of mixture at the beginning of the experiment and after 20 minutes. ( VERBS + RV + Instrument ) 7. Procedure 1 Prepare an albumen suspension by mixing egg white with 500 ml of distilled water. K1 Boil the suspension and leave it cool. 2 Label three test tubes P,Q and R. K1 3 Put 5 ml of albumen suspension into each test tube using syringe. K2 All K 3 M 4 Add the following solutions into each test tube : K2 4-3K 2M P : 1 ml of 0.1M hydrochloric acid + 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution K3 2-1K 1M Q : 1 ml distilled water + 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution R : 1 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide + 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution 5 Stir the mixture K5 6 Dip a piece of pH paper into each test tube and record the pH value K3 7 Immerse all the test tubes in the water bath where the temperature is maintained at K1 37oC for 20 minutes. K2 8 Observe the condition of the mixtures at the beginning of experiment and again after K3 20 minutes. K4 9 Record your result in a table. K4 8. Presentation of data (no data needed ) Test tube P Q R 9. Conclusion : An acidic medium at pH 3 is optimum for the activity of pepsin Hypothesis is accepted (state whether hypothesis is accepted or rejected, rewrite/ modify the hypothesis) pH Condition of mixtures At the beginning of the experiment After 20 minutes

For criteria with marks

Problem statement Hypothesis Procedure List of apparatus & material Variables Presentation of data



For criteria without marks



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