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Period: Revision Checklist I already did I fixed this this while in revision! drafting!

I included the authors name and the title in my introduction (spelled correctly!) I wrote an introduction that very clearly answers the prompt (I explained what the omnivores dilemma is) and gives the reader a preview of what will follow in my essay (refer to the text structure you are writing about!) I included topic sentences at the start of each body paragraph to tell my reader what each paragraph will be about. My topic sentence should refer to the text structure I am writing about (compare/contrast, problem/solution, or cause/effect). I included specific and varied textual evidence (details and direct quotes) to support my claims. I introduced my textual evidence with phrases such as According to the text, Pollan claims/states I put direct quotes in quotation marks and included the page number in parenthesis after the quote. I made sure that I copied my quotes word for word from the text. I used sophisticated vocabulary and transitions such as additionally, furthermore, therefore, consequently, similarly, in contrast to, unlike, as a result, nevertheless I finished my essay with a conclusion that summarizes my essay. Editing Checklist I already did I fixed this this while in revision! drafting! I checked my spelling, especially words that appear in the prompt or text. I checked my essay for missing or repeated words and fixed sentences that didnt make sense. I avoided run-on sentences and fragments. I clearly used capital letters at the beginning of each sentence and end punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark) at the end of each sentence.

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