The Constitution-Women

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2nd day of September 2011

(The Constitution Day)


This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 1




This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 2




This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 3

MISSION STATEMENT We are dedicated to the development and empowerment of women in the state through various innovative instruments at different levels of the society This vanguard is not a group in Lagos Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). It is formed to support the Objectives of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the fundamental objectives and directive principles stated in the Constitution of Nigeria as regards the development of the Women of Nigeria

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 4



The name of the organization shall be the LAGOS PDP WOMAN VANGUARD Which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Organization. 2. HEADQUATERS

The Headquarters of the organization shall be the Lagos Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) secretariats at the relevant levels. However, operational locations can be maintained outside the PDP secretariats for the convenience of the organization. 3. MOTTO

The motto of the organization shall be Women for Peace, Creativity and Sustainable Development 4. PRAYERS AND ANTHEM

To avoid religious arguments and crises, the following shall be used as prayers and anthem in the organization at all levels and no other prayers and anthem shall be entertained except the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Anthem, the National Anthem and National Pledge. O Creator, O Creator, We call thee for your love O Creator, O Creator, We call thee for your peace O Creator, O Creator, We call thee for your wealth As we grow, as we grow, we appreciate your guide As we grow, as we grow, we appreciate your love O Creator, O creator, guide our leaders right We ask thee for your blessings for our nation We ask thee for your blessings for our families O Creator, O Creator, give us hope, give us life, give us peace, give us wealth as we grow O Creator, O Creator here we bow before thee!!!!!!! (5 seconds silent head bow. The presiding officer shall call for raise of head bow after 5 seconds) 5. OBJECTIVES

The objectives or purposes for which the organization is established shall be: To harvest opportunities for Nigerian women and engage in any lawful acts or activities focusing on women development or empowerment. To campaign for quality education and positive engagement of Nigerian women. To work against the damage of Nigerian women and their families, particularly campaign against missing persons and networking to find missing persons, promote danger reduction, work against all forms of abuse of Nigerian women including drugs abuse, prostitution, child labor, rape, torture among others. To carry out from time to time a wellbeing analysis of Nigerian women and make suggestions to relevant authorities for improvements.

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 5

To participate in jobs creation, skill improvement, poverty alleviation and all those programs and plans designed to raise the living standards of Nigerian women. To campaign actively against discrimination of all forms and promote race, religious, cultural and ethnic relations among Nigerian women. To promote compliance with Nigerian Constitution particularly those sections dealing with the development of democracy, peace and integration of the peoples of Nigeria. To participate actively in international programs and activities particularly those of world bodies, national and international institutions that will enhance the values of Nigerian women. To organize and conduct and or participate in lectures, conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, symposia and exhibitions in areas of women development and empowerment. To campaign against the use of women for prostitution, slavery and constantly promote the culture of peace and creativity for Nigerian women. To raise funds through legal means and acquire assets necessary to achieve its objectives or purposes. To do all such lawful acts or activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or part of the above objectives or purposes. 6. MEMBERSHIP


There shall be the following class of membership: i. ii. Active membership: The active membership of the organization is open to all members of the state chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) whose ages are above eighteen years. Honorary membership: This class of membership shall be open to anyone who is not registered as an active member. Honorary membership shall be appointed by the Governing Council of the organization.


Discipline and Loss of membership: a member (active or honorary) shall cease to be a member if: a. b. c. d. The member is found guilty of gross misconduct or found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction for a non-political offence or tending to put the organization in disrepute. She resigns She is insane Any member who violates the Constitution and Byelaws, rules or regulations of the organization or who conducts himself or herself in a manner calculated to discredit the organization may be cautioned, suspended or expelled from the organization by two-thirds member of the Governing Council provided that a member cannot be expelled for his comments or actions at or towards or related-to the General Assembly meetings. A member may be asked to leave a meeting of the organization if found disruptive at the meeting by majority of the members in attendance. Discipline: Where the Governing Council on its own or upon petition by a member is of the opinion that a member should be disciplined, the Governing Council shall cause the Secretary to serve a notice of the charges or grounds of such discipline on her and the member shall within 14 days of receipt of same, reply thereto. The Governing Council shall upon consideration of the reply decide whether to dismiss the charges or to caution, suspend or expel such member. 7. ORGANS

e. f.

There shall be four (4) organs of the organization namely:

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 6

i. ii. iii. iv.

The General Assembly which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Assembly or the General Assembly The Governing Council which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Governing Council The Advisory Council which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Advisory Council. The Board of Patrons and Matrons which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Board of Patrons and Matrons. 8. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY




Composition: The Assembly shall be the ultimate authority of the organization and shall at the maximum comprise of five active members from each ward and elected officers of the Governing Councils at the State and the Local Governments and the Local Council Development Areas. Meeting: The Assembly shall meet at least twice a year to determine fundamental issues affecting the organization. The Assembly meeting shall be called by the President of the Governing Council or her designated representative in the council. The General Assembly meeting can also be called by i. Two third members of the council. ii. In exceptional instance, by the Chief Adviser of the Advisory Council. Agenda/Business: The Assembly shall be tasked to discuss fundamental issues affecting the organization including but not limited to the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Consider annual and biannual plans, policies and programs of the organization. Consider budgetary and financial matters. Approve honorary members and patrons recommended to it by the Governing Council. Consider constitutional amendments and other constitutional matters. The General Assembly shall be responsible for the election of the Vice President III of the Governing Council and endorsing the assumption of office of the President, Vice President I and Vice President II of the Governing Council. The Chief Adviser of the Advisory Council shall be the Presiding Officer at the General Assembly during the agenda to consider the election of Vice President III and the assumption of offices of the President, Vice President I and Vice President II. The Presiding Officer for other business or agenda at the General Assembly shall be the President of the Governing Council. Other Members of the Advisory Council can also attend the meetings of the General Assembly as an observer



vii. e.

No General Assembly organ shall be maintained at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, the ward and the zonal levels of the organization. However, general meetings of members shall be held from time to time at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, the ward and the zonal levels of the organization.

9. a.


Composition: The Governing Council shall consist of the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. President Vice President I Vice President II Vice President III Secretary Secretary of the Advisory Council Director of Operations. Publicity Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Legal Adviser Auditor Governors representing each of the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas in the State.

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 7


All of the above shall constitute the elected officers of the Governing Council at the state level except the Governors representing each of the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas in the State.

b. Duties: The Governing Council shall i. ii. iii. iv. v. Serve as the executive organ of the organization responsible for prosecuting the programs, plans and general activities approved by the General Assembly. Propose honorary members, patrons and matrons to the General Assembly for approval. Effect decisions of the General Assembly. Engage in all routine official duties within the objectives or purposes of the Organization. Do all that is incidental to the progress and the development of the organization subject to the approval of the General Assembly.

c. President: The President of the Governing Council shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization responsible for directing and executing the overall functions of the organization. d. Vice President I: The Vice President I of the Governing Council shall serve as the first deputy to the President of the Governing Council and shall oversee the Financial and Treasury activities of the organization. e. Vice President II: The Vice President II of the Governing Council shall serve as the second deputy to the President of the Governing Council and shall oversee the activities of the Director of Operations. f. Vice President III: The Vice President III of the Governing Council shall serve as the third deputy to the President of the Governing Council and shall oversee the Secretarial and Legal activities of the organization. g. Secretary: The Governing Council shall elect a secretary. She shall: i. Be responsible for the coordination of all reports of different inaugurated committees of the organization. ii. Handle all secretarial matters. iii. Report to the Governing Council. iv. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years. h. Secretary of the Advisory Council: She shall i. Coordinates the activities of the Advisory Council and serves as the bridge between the Governing Council and the Advisory Council. ii. Carry out delegated assignments of the Chief Adviser to the Advisory Council. iii. Serve as Deputy to the Secretary of the Governing Council. iv. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years. i. Director of Operations. The Governing Council shall elect a Director of Operations for the organization. She shall: i. ii. iii. iv. Be responsible for the due execution of all the planned activities of the Organization. Draw up proposals and programs of activities for the Organization for the review and approval of the Council and the General Assembly. Facilitate the execution of all the programs of the Organization. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years.

j. Publicity Secretary: The Governing Council shall elect a publicity secretary for the organization. She shall: i. Be responsible for the gathering and dissemination of information for the organization. ii. Work hand in hand and assist the Governing Council in carrying out the plans and activities of the organization. iii. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years. iv. Cease to hold office if attain the age of 50 years. k. Financial Secretary: The Governing Council shall elect a Financial Secretary for the organization. She shall: i. ii. iii. iv. Be responsible for keeping the financial records of the organization Advice and report to the Governing Council on the financial position of the organization Submit reports of the financial activities of the organization to the General Assembly. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years.

l. Treasurer: The treasurer of the organization shall be elected by the Governing Council. She shall:
This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 8

i. ii. iii. iv. m. i. ii. iii. iv.

Hold in trust, disburse and manage financial transactions in the day to day running of activities of the organization. Advice and report to the Governing Council on the treasury activities of the organization. Prepare and submit quarterly treasury reports to the Governing Council. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years. Legal Adviser: The Governing Council shall elect a Legal Adviser to the organization. She shall: Be responsible for all Legal related matters. Work with the Auditor to ensure compliance with the Constitution and Byelaws of the organization Advice and Report fundamental legal matters to the General Assembly. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years.

n. Auditor: There shall be an internal auditor for the organization who shall be elected by the majority members of the General Assembly. She shall: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Report to the General Assembly and not the Governing Council. Appoint audit representatives for Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, the Wards and the Zones. Be responsible for safeguarding the assets and financial records of the organization. Call the attention of the Governing Council to breaches of the Constitution and Byelaws and the directives of the General Assembly. Audit the financial and operational activities as necessary to ensure compliance with the Constitution and Byelaws and the directives of the General Assembly. Work with the legal adviser to ensure compliance with the Constitution and Byelaws and the directives of the General Assembly. Hold office for two years but may be reelected for another term of two years.

o. Meetings of the Governing Council: The following shall guide the meetings of the Governing Council at all levels: i. The Governing Council shall meet at least quarterly. In addition to quarterly meetings, the Governing Council may hold regular meetings at such time and place as shall be determined by members of the Governing Council. Quorum: Majority of the members of the Governing Council shall constitute a quorum for the meeting. Call to Meetings: The meetings of the Governing Council at all levels shall be called by the President or Governor or Chairperson or Counselor (whichever is appropriate) of the Governing Council or her designated representative. The meeting of the Governing Council at all levels can also be called by one-third of the Governing Council members through a petition to the Secretary of the Governing Council and if the Secretary fails to call a meeting within a week of receiving the petition, the petitioners can send notice(s) by themselves.

ii. iii.

p. Elections and Tenure: The following shall guide the elections and tenure of the Governing Council at the state level: i. ii. iii. iv. Members of the General Assembly shall vote for the vacant office of Vice President III Members of the Governing Council shall vote for the elections of other officers of the organization except the President, Vice President I, Vice President II and Vice President III. Officers of the Governing Council except the President, Vice President I, Vice President II and Vice President III shall serve for two years and can be reelected for two other terms of two years for a total of six years. The Pioneer Governing Council shall be elected by the majority members of the pioneer General Assembly and/or the signatories to the takeoff of this Constitution and Byelaws and shall serve for the first two years of the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws to stabilize the organization. Subsequently, the Vice President I shall assume the position of the President subject to ratification of the majority of the General Assembly. The Pioneer Governing Council except the President, Vice President I, Vice President II and Vice President III can be reelected for two other terms of two years for a total of six years while less than fifty (50) years old. The Vice President II shall assume the position of Vice President I if vacant and Vice President III shall assume the position of Vice President II if vacant.

v. vi.

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 9

vii. viii.

The subsequent Presidents shall serve for only one year. The Pioneer General Assembly may be constituted by available members and may not meet the composition of the General Assembly as stated in this Constitution and Byelaws.

q. Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas: A Governing Council shall be maintained at the Local Government and Local Council Development Areas throughout the state with the following positions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Governor Vice Governor Secretary Assistant Secretary Director of Operations. Publicity Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Legal Adviser Chairperson representing each of the Wards in the Local Governments or Local Council Development Areas. All of the above shall constitute the elected officers of the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas except the Chairmen representing each of the Wards. Members of the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas shall perform equivalent duties as stated at the State level except that the Governor shall perform the duties of the President and the Vice Governor shall perform the deputizing duties of the Vice Presidents by deputizing for the Governor and the Assistant Secretary shall deputize for the Secretary.

r. Elections and Tenure of the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas: The following shall guide the elections and tenure: i. ii. iii. Registered members at this level shall vote for all the vacant offices by open or open secret ballots Officers of the Governing Council shall serve for two years and can be reelected for two other terms of two years for a total of six years. The Pioneer Governing Council at this level shall be appointed by the state Governing Council and shall serve for the first two years of the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws to stabilize the organization. Subsequently, the majority of the registered members at this level shall vote for the vacant offices.

s. Governing Council at the Wards: A Governing Council shall be maintained at the Wards throughout the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas with the following positions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Assistant Secretary Director of Operations. Publicity Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Legal Adviser Councilors representing each of the Zones in the Wards. All of the above shall constitute the elected officers of the Governing Council at the Wards except the Councilors representing each of the Zones. Members of the Governing Council at the Wards shall perform equivalent duties as stated at the State level except that the Chairperson shall perform the duties of the President and the Vice Chairperson shall perform the deputizing duties of the Vice Presidents by deputizing for the Chairperson and the Assistant Secretary shall deputize for the Secretary.

t. Elections and Tenure of the Governing Council at Wards: The following shall guide the elections and tenure:

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 10

i. ii. iii.

Registered members at this level shall vote for all the vacant offices by open or open secret ballots Officers of the Governing Council shall serve for two years and can be reelected for two other terms of two years for a total of six years. The Pioneer Governing Council at this level shall be appointed by the state Governing Council and shall serve for the first two years of the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws to stabilize the organization. Subsequently, the majority of the registered members at this level shall vote for the vacant offices.

u. Governing Council at the Zones: A Governing Council shall be maintained at the Zones throughout the Wards with the following positions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Councilor Vice Councilor Secretary Assistant Secretary Director of Operations. Publicity Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Legal Adviser Ten other stakeholders in the Zone who shall be called The Stakeholders. The Stakeholders shall be people with permanent or influential interests in the Zones. All of the above shall constitute the elected officers of the Governing Council at the Zones except The Stakeholders. Members of the Governing Council at the Zones shall perform equivalent duties as stated at the State level except that the Councilor shall perform the duties of the President and the Vice Councilor shall perform the deputizing duties of the Vice Presidents by deputizing for the Councilor and the Assistant Secretary shall deputize for the Secretary.

v. Elections and Tenure of the Governing Council at the Zones: The following shall guide the elections and tenure: i. ii. iii. Registered members at this level shall vote for all the vacant offices by open or open secret ballots Officers of the Governing Council shall serve for two years and can be reelected for two other terms of two years for a total of six years. The Pioneer Governing Council at this level shall be appointed by the state Governing Council and shall serve for the first two years of the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws to stabilize the organization. Subsequently, the majority of the registered members at this level shall vote for the vacant offices. 10. a. ADVISORY COUNCIL

The Advisory Council which may comprise of men and or women shall comprise of the following: i. The Chief Adviser who shall be appointed by the General Assembly in consultation with the Governing Council and shall serve as the Chief Peace Maker to the organization. The Pioneer Chief Adviser shall be appointed by the Pioneer General Assembly or the Signatories to the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws. The current State Chairman, Current State Secretary, Current State Woman Leader and the current State Youth Leader of the Peoples Democratic Party. Past Presidents of the Governing Council. Any other credible Nigerians with positive disposition towards the development of the Nigerian Women appointed by the Governing Council. The President, Vice President I, Vice President II, Vice President III of the Governing Council.

ii. iii. iv. v. b.

Duties: The Advisory Council shall perform the following duties: i. ii. To advice the Governing Council on the policies, direction and plans towards the development of the organization To negotiate and serve as lobbyist to advance the cause of the organization

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 11

iii. iv. v. vi. c.

Serves as Peace Makers to promote peace, common understanding and resolve disputes referred to it by the Governing Council or the General Assembly. The Chief Adviser or his/ her designated representative shall preside over the assumption of office of the President, Vice President I, Vice President II and preside over the election of Vice President III. Serves as trustees to the organization, maintain sustainability and promotes perpetual existence for the organization. To do all that is incidental in the promotion of peace and general happiness in the organization

The Chief Adviser shall serve for a term of two years renewable for another term of two years. The Pioneer Chief Adviser shall serve for the first four years from the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws in order to assist in stabilizing the organization and can thereafter be reappointed for another term of two years. The advisory roles of the current State Chairman, current State Secretary, current State Woman Leader and current State Youth Leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) shall cease after they stopped occupying the PDP positions. Meetings of the Advisory Council: The Governing Council or the Chief Adviser can call meetings of the Advisory Council when necessary. The Advisory Council shall be maintained at the Local Governments and the Local Council Development Areas and shall comprise of the following: i. The Chairman or Chairperson who shall be appointed by the General Assembly in consultation with the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas and shall serve as the Chief Peace Maker to the organization at that level. The Pioneer Chairman or Chairperson of this level Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Pioneer General Assembly and or the signatories to the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws. The current LGA Chairman or Chairperson, Current LGA Secretary, Current LGA Woman Leader and the current LGA Youth Leader of the party. Current Ward Chairmen or Chairperson of the Peoples Democratic Party within the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas. Past Governors of the Governing Council of Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas. Any other credible Nigerians from the Wards with positive disposition towards the development of the Nigerian Women appointed by the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas. The Governor and the Vice Governor of the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas. The Chairpersons of the Governing Council at the Wards



ii. iii. iv. v.

vi. vii. f.

Duties: The Advisory Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas shall perform the following duties: i. ii. iii. iv. To advice the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones on the policies, directions and plans towards the development of the organization To negotiate and serve as lobbyist to advance the cause of the organization Serves as Peace Makers to promote peace, common understanding and resolve disputes referred to it by the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones The Chairman or Chairperson or his/ her designated representative shall preside over the elections of members of the Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones. Serves as trustees to the organization at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones, maintain sustainability and promotes perpetual existence for the organization. To do all that is incidental in the promotion of peace and general happiness in the organization at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones

v. vi.


The Chairman or Chairperson of the Advisory Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas shall serve for a term of two years renewable for another term of two years. The Pioneer Chairman or Chairperson shall serve for the first four years from the takeoff of the Constitution and Byelaws in order to assist in stabilizing the organization and can thereafter be reappointed for another term of two years. The advisory roles of the current LGA

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 12

Chairman, current LGA Secretary, current LGA Woman Leader and current LGA Woman Leader, current Ward Chairmen or Chairpersons of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) shall cease after they stopped occupying the PDP party positions. h. Meetings of the Advisory Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, Wards and Zones: The Governing Council at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas or the Chairman or Chairpersons of the Advisory Council can call meetings of the Advisory Council when necessary. No separate Advisory Council organ shall be maintained at the Wards and the Zones. 11. BOARD OF PATRONS AND MATRONS


a. Credible Nigerians shall be appointed by the Governing Council at the state level as Patrons or Matrons to the organization. Certificate of Appointment shall be signed by the President and the Secretary of the Governing Council. Board of Patrons and Matrons shall only be maintained at State level of the organization only. b. All appointed Patrons and Matrons shall be so called without any graded discrimination like calling some grand, gold, platinum and the likes. c. Patrons and Matrons may be invited to grace ceremonial occasions of the organization at all levels. d. Patrons and Matrons can also invite members of the organization to any ceremonial occasions and activities of theirs and members should endeavor to attend. e. Members should endeavor to give assistance to Patrons and Matrons in need and rally round to support them in difficult and happy times. f. The Governing Council at all levels should strive to maintain economic and social understanding and cooperation with Patrons and Matrons within their domain. g. Recommendation for appointment to Patrons and Matrons can be submitted by Governing Councils at the Local Governments and Local Council Development Areas, the Wards and the Zones to the Governing Council at the State level. h. Appointment to Patrons and Matrons is open to all Nigerians and may be conferred on non-politicians and politicians.

12. a.


Any organ of the organization may constitute Committee(s) for carrying out any of the objectives or purposes of the organization. However, the following Committees are encouraged at the state level.


Jobs, Skills and Poverty Alleviation Committee (The JOSPA Committee) To focus on jobs creation, skill improvement, poverty alleviation and all those programs and plans designed to raise the living standards of Nigerian women. Education Committee To focus on education of Nigerian women advising on schools, students, teachers and courses including conferences, workshops, seminars, among others. Research and Wellbeing Analysis Committee To focus on research and wellbeing analysis of Nigerian women and make suggestions to relevant authorities for improvements. Distress, Abuse and Missing Persons Committee ( The DAM Committee) To focus on the work against the damage of Nigerian women and their families, particularly campaign against missing persons and networking to find missing persons, danger reduction, all forms of abuse of Nigerian women including drugs abuse, prostitution, child labor, rape, torture among others. Government Relations Committee





This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 13

To focus on liaising with all Nigerian government institutions with the intent of harvesting opportunities for Nigerian women. vi. International Relations Committee To focus on international programs and activities particularly those of world bodies, national and international institutions that will enhance the values of Nigerian women. Constitution and Judiciary Committee To focus on promoting compliance with the Nigerian Constitution and liaise with the Judiciaries, Attorney Generals and State and National Assemblies in Nigeria. Disciplinary Committee To focus on discipline of active members. Anti-Discrimination Committee To focus on campaign against discrimination of all forms. Culture, Religion and Race Relations Committee To focus on promoting race, religion, cultural and ethnic relations among Nigerian women. Assets and Funds Raising Committee To focus on raising funds and managing assets for the organization. Peace and Cooperation Committee (The Anti-Slavery and Prostitution Committee) To focus on promotion of democracy, peace and integration of the peoples of Nigeria and the campaign against the use of women for prostitution, slavery and constantly promote the culture of peace and creativity for Nigerian women. Family Values Committee To focus on promoting family values and advising women in transition to family lives. Publicity Committee To focus on publicity for the organization. Special Duties Committee To focus on special duties and unforeseen situations.










13. a.


Voting in any meetings of any organ of the organization shall be by open or open-secret ballot. However, the mode of election at the General Assembly shall be by open-secret ballot except waived by the Chief Adviser for the convenience of the meeting. A motion will be carried by a simple majority of votes cast. QUORUM: One third of members entitled to attend a meeting shall form a quorum unless otherwise provided in this Constitution and Byelaws. No proxy voting and no voting by mail shall be allowed. Majority of the votes of members present shall constitute a decision of the General Assembly.

b. c.


This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 14

14. a.


Income: The Organization shall be financed through donations, contributions, endowments and similar payments by any person or organization or any other source approved by the General Assembly. Banking: The organization shall operate bank accounts at all levels and the following shall be signatories to the account i. ii. iii. iv. The President, Governor, Chairman or Councilor, whichever is appropriate, of the Governing Council The Vice Presidents or Vice Governor, Vice Chairman or Vice Councilor, whichever is appropriate. The Treasurer Two other members of the Governing Council at the appropriate level.


c. d. e.

f. g.


Three members of the signatories shall sign cheques or any other financial documents on behalf of the organization. However, the President, Governor, Chairperson or Councilor and their deputy cannot sign at the same time. Any transaction above N2, 000, 000 (two million) shall be approved by the majority of the Governing Council. This limit can be reviewed by the majority of the Governing Council. The Governing Council shall specify by voting the limits to be spent on a monthly basis and shall consider the amounts of past monthly spending of the organization. No member of the signatories shall vote in specifying the limits to expend. Quarterly audit reports shall be presented to the Governing Council and Annual and Biannual audit reports shall be presented to the General Assembly. Proper books of accounts shall be kept with regards to: i. All sums of money received or expended; ii. All sales and purchases by the Organization and all supplies of goods made to it; iii. Assets and liabilities. External Audit: Upon availability of funds, the accounts of the Organization shall be audited periodically or at least once a year by an external auditor with the reports of the auditors presented to the General Assembly.



This Constitution and Byelaws may be amended by a resolution passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the General Assembly. Any member proposing amendment shall send a written notice to the Secretary of the Governing Council by any mail that is registered and if desired send copies to members of the organization. Same notice can also be published in widely circulated newspaper. The written notice must be sent to the Secretary at least one month before the General Assembly meeting. 16. APPLICATION

This Constitution and Byelaws shall have the force of law for the organization and shall be binding on all members of the LAGOS PDP WOMAN VANGUARD the world over.



The income and property of the LAGOS PDP WOMAN VANGUARD shall be applied solely toward the promotion of the objects of LAGOS PDP WOMAN VANGUARD as set forth in this Constitution and Byelaws and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise by way of profit to any member of the organization. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, to any member for goods and services supplied to the organization or for repayment of out of pocket expenses. There shall be proper account rendered to the General Assembly of any payment made to any member for goods and services supplied. 18. COMMENCEMENT

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 15

This Constitution and Byelaws comes into force this

2nd day of September,


after being signed by at least twenty (20) Signatories below.

Members shall celebrate this 2nd day of September, 2011 as the Constitution Day. Signed on behalf of present and future members by:

Barrister Owolabi Salis, M.Sc., FCA, FCIB, representing the honorary members: _______________ Tel: _____________ Barrister Oluyomi Coker, representing the active members: _______________________ Tel:_________________ Folami Ada, representing the active members: ___________________________ Tel:__________________

Get about 100 plus names to sign. Email the names and their numbers to me for inclusion in the print.

This Constitution and Byelaws is written and page proofed by Attorney Owolabi Salis, FCA, FCIB of Salis Law P.C. in collaboration with Barrister Oluyomi Coker. This page is certified as part of this Constitution and Byelaws by Attorney Owolabi Salis: _____________________________________ Page 16

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