Busy Business People

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Universidad Politcnica de Aguascalientes

Oscar Abundis Gomez Up-100-356 Brian Natanael Baez Morales Up-100-237 Ricardo Pacheco Berrones Up-100-235 Francisco Javier Martinez Reyes Up-100-248 Jos de Jess Snchez Reyes How do you increase the productivity and efficiency of busy business people without creating major disruptions throughout their business? The article refers to the set of activities, rituals or methods that a project leader must implement in his daily doing in order to improve the productivity and efficiency of the business, it also points the specific case of people that doesn't have enough time to do the normal tasks because of a bad administration of the resource. The first change that is necessary to do is a practice called "Touch it once", it says that we must avoid postponing things to do, it is better to deal with them as they arise, which implies doing it, delegating it to a team member or filing it to executing it in a specific time. No meetings, only workshop is another good ideology to adapt, it consist in determine the purpose of a session with team members, with a limit of time instead of talking about general terms without heading the idea to an specific direction. We must also avoid multitasking, in other words, it is recommended to focus on a single activity and not try to cover many problems at a time. We also must start from the most important activity and respect the time that we have assigned for working and the one assigned for resting or recreation and don't mix them because each one has a purpose. Another important point is to left aside the news media because they are usually distracters and try daily to realize an extra activity. The article mentions more recommendations such as the use of efficient technology instead of the good looking one, the conservation of health and fitness, the management of emails and instant messaging applications among other, but in general terms we agree with this practices as things to change in a business in order to improve productivity because they are activities or rituals than can be easily implemented right away in any company or project. Many of them are left aside because of laziness or comfort but if we apply them we can save many resources, time and even bad moments for any problem.

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