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2013 Norco College Student Success Scorecard

Norco College opened to students in 1991 in Norco as part of the Riverside Community College District. The college is well known for its engineering and technology-based education curriculum. The 141-acre campus is beginning its third phase of expansion since opening in 1991 to accommodate the growing population. Norco's mission statement is to provide educational programs, services, and learning environments for a diverse community. Students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to attain their goals in higher, career/technical, and continuing education; workforce development; and personal enrichment. Student Information (2011-12)
Students GENDER Female Male Unknown Gender AGE Under 20 years old 20 to 24 years old 25 to 49 years old 50 or more years old Unknown Age 31.2% 39.7% 26.8% 2.3% 0.0% 54.5% RACE/ETHNICITY African American 6.9% 0.4% 6.2% 2.7% 47.9% 0.3% 28.5% 3.4% 3.8% 13,321

Other Information (2011-12)

Full-Time Equivalent Students Credit Sections Non-Credit Sections Median Credit Section Size Percentage of Full-Time Faculty 5,926.7 1,154 10 36 56.3%

45.0% American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.5% Asian Filipino Hispanic Pacific Islander White Two or More Races Unknown Ethnicity

2013 Norco College Student Success Scorecard

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