Year 5A

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Year 5A Global Jaya international School Bintaro Jaya, Sector IX Tangerang, Indonesia 15224 11 November 2012 Head of School

Global Jaya International School Bintaro Jaya, Sector IX Tangereng, Indonesia 15224

Dear Pak Chris, I always see that traffic always occur at the morning and noon. I also see students get out of the car rally slow. Maybe Pak Chris you can take action for the traffic. Some traffic occurs until outside of school and this are my evidence. The traffic was caused by some drivers who arent very patient even though that we have 4 drop of points. How to solve the problem is that we can make some numbers for the drop of point so some drivers will stop from the first to forth so lots of students can go out of the car really fast. Students get out of the car really slow and make really long traffic until outside of school and make some students late for class. My evidence was that some of them hadnt wear their shoe and some of them needs to wake up because they sleep in the car. We can discuss it with security and drivers or maids to help the students sleep well at the night so they dont sleep in the car at school time. Traffic almost effect the school time that some of them might be late for class this are my evidence. The traffic was really long until 200 meters and might take around 15 minutes to get through the traffic and it will make some students late for class or lesson. We can ask the security to make like a place where only GJIS students car can go in so they will not lose any mare time for school.



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