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. FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING UNIT - I Part A&B (QUESTION AND ANSWER) Define computer Mention the characteristics of computer? Difference between RAM and ROM What are different components of a computer? What is the use of computers in medicines and healthcare? What are the advantages of IC version of a computer over vacuum tube version of computers? 7. Difference between analog and digital computer? 8. List out the application of computers? 9. List the some of the storages devices? 10. What are the five basic operation of performed by the computer system? 11. What are the five generation of computers? 12. What is a CPU? 13. Define computer? 14. Comparison between computer and human? 15. Define data and information? 16. What are the classifications of computer? 17. What are the basic computer organizations of unit? 18. What are the input/output devices? Or peripherals devices ? 19. Define number system? 20. What are the number systems used in computers? Part B 1. Explain the various generations of computers with features? 2. With a suitable diagram computer organization in details? (0r) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer system and explain the function of various units? 3. Explain the classification of computers? Or Compare the various types of computers with respect to its key features? 4. Write short notes on evolution of computers? i. List and discuss the basic operation of computer ii. Compare a computer with human being iii. List the characteristics of computer. 5. Explain the Number system? 6. Comparesion between various generations of computers? 7. Explain the components of the computer? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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