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Anti- Solution

Brainstorming in an unusual way

Problem Solving Technique

Prepared by Sachin Kale 24

Anti solution is also like brainstorming technique but is
conducted in an unusual manner.

This technique tries to get team members to think oppositely to what you want to achieve and to push the

boundaries of that thinking so that people see things


It is similar to a devils advocate approach and an
approach of the evil twin.

In this way the team sees the opposite of what is trying to be achieved and in many ways enhances the teams

view of the actual solution that is trying to be achieved.

The steps to start Anti-Solution technique are :
1. Take your actual objective and determine the exact opposite. 2. Brainstorm how to achieve this opposite objective. 3. Look at all the ideas generated on how to achieve the

opposite objective and then examine each of these in

the context of what it means for your actual objective.

4) From this analysis look to what the negative objective
suggests for a positive contribution to the actual solution you want to achieve.

5) Record all these ideas and transfer them to the positive

section of the plan being developed for the actual



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