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How to teach algebra to kids. Lesson 2: The distributive law

Heres the idea. Suppose I have 3 bags of fruits and each bag has 2 tangerines and 4 mangos. How many fruits do I have in total? Well, theres two ways to nd this out. I could say: There are 3 bags and each bag has 6 fruits so I have 3 times 6 equals 18 fruits all together. Or I could say: There are 3 bags and each bag has 2 tangerines so I have 3 times 2 equals 6 tangerines all together. Similarly, there are 3 bags and each bag has 4 mangos so I have 3 times 4 equals 12 mangos all together. As a mathematical equation, we have just said: 3 bags (6 = 2 + 4) fruits in each bag = 18 fruits, 3 bags 2 tangerines in each bag = 6 tangerines, and 3 bags 4 mangos in each bag = 12 mangos. So 3 (2 + 4) = 3 2 + 3 4. This is the distributive law. One can say this as; bags (tangerines + mangos) = bags tangerines + bags mangos, or number of bags (number of tangerines + number of mangos) = number of bags number of tangerines + number of bags number of mangos or even b (t + m) = b t + b m.

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