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Proximity Marketing

Presenters: M. Shahzeb Khalil

What is Proximity Marketing?

Localised wireless advertising Distribution Channels:

1. Cell Phone 2. Bluetooth/Wifi 3. GPS System 4. NFC

Bluetooth-Based Systems

a short ranged wireless system a bluetooth broadcasting unit is required people keep their devices OFF or INVISIBLE

traditional media to advertise is advised

intelligent business systems are needed

NFC-Based Systems

NFC: Near Field Communication Smart Posters, Smart Product, Smart Book RFID Chips: Radio Frequency Identification Chips Widely adopted in Japan

GSM and GPS Based Systems

SMS-CB Service GPS: a satellite navigation system Developed in 1973

provides military, civil and commercial assistance

What relevance does location add?

Digital Coupons Educational Content Promotional Content

Loyalty Programs

Business that can use Proximity Marketing

Large Retails Malls Hotel Restaurants Travel Service Industries Entertainment Venues Popular Public Areas Popup Locations

8 Reasons why Proximity Marketing will matter to retailers

1. Consumers will be engaged through their cell phones - ideal for Malls, Restaurants etc...

2. Retailers send their information to consumers who are ready to accept it.
3. Broadcasting of ads to mobile devices via kiosks

4. Retailers can record the transmitted data for future forecastings. 5. Proximity marketing is done in real time.

6. It's Inexpensive.
7. messaging in any location or application measurable and accountable instantly. 8.effective, efficient and fast.

Thank You..!!!

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