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Motion: ______________________________________________________________

Introduction (First Speaker)

Good morning respected judge, my honourable opponent and members of the
audience.Today, we are indeed honoured and privileged to stand before you to present
our views on the motion of the house: _______________________________________
(write down the motion)

First, let me introduce my team. I am ________________________ and am the first

speaker. I will define the key terms of the motion and set the boundaries for my teams
debate. My second, third and fourth speakers will strengthen our arguments by
presenting various points supporting our arguments. My last speaker will summarise our
teams arguments and firmly state that _______________________________________
(rephrase the motion in your own words)

Let me now define the key terms of the motion. ________________________________

are the key terms of the motion in our view. (write down the key terms of the motion)
The word __________________ according to __________________________ (source)
refers to _______________________________________________________________
The word __________________ in the case of the motion means ________________
_____________________________ according to(source) _______________________
What about the word ________________? It means _________________,
_____________ and ________________. __________________________________
I strongly speak for the proposition that ______________________________________
(motion in your own words) because ________________________________________
__________________________________________________________(main reasons).
Thank you.

Arguments (Pros/Cons: Second and Third Speakers)

With the key terms explained, let us examine our motion once again. ______________
__________________________________________________________ (state motion)
In the light of our definitions, is this a valid proposition? Let us consider some
arguments in favour of this proposition.
Argument #1
(State your argument)

(Support your argument with (i) example from your own/others experience, (ii) common sense
that everyone should know, (iii) statistics, or (iv) expert opinion)

Argument #2
(State your argument)


(Support your argument with (i) example from your own/others experience, (ii) common sense
that everyone should know, (iii) statistics, or (iv) expert opinion)

Argument #3
(State your argument)

(Support your argument with (i) example from your own/others experience, (ii) common sense
that everyone should know, (iii) statistics, or (iv) expert opinion)

Conclusion: (Fourth Speaker)

Dear honourable judge, fellow debaters and members of the floor, I have presented my
arguments for and against the topic. However, I would like to conclude my speech by
firmly stating my stand about the motion. I believe that __________________________
(state your motion). However, _______________________________________________

This, therefore, is my stand that ____________________________________________
Thank you.

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