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Factions of the Democrat & Republican Party

Moderates Beliefs: Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. They share the economic views of other Republicans , however believe in same-sex marriage, gay adoption & gun control laws. Key figure: George W. Romney (Michigan) Libertarians Beliefs: Support free markets and minimal social control. Opposing government social spending, regulation and taxes. Key Figure: Ron Paul ( Texas)

Conservatives Fiscal: Call for a large reduction in government spending. With lower taxes and a reduction in the national debt Key Figure: Dick Armey (Texas) Social: Christian right. Attempting t criminalize abortion and oppose the legalisation same-sex marriage. Key Figure: George W. Bush

Liberals Traditionalists

Beliefs: Conservative views. They favor cultural and educational renewal, but oppose abortion and same-sex marriage.
Key Figure: Fred Thompson

Beliefs: Liberal-Conservatives. They support a moderate fiscal policy, but support liberal social causes, such as abortion and gay marriage. Also , opposing the death penalty. Key Figure: Rudy Giuliani (New York)

Christian Left Beliefs: Left-wing. Most of their policies are in line with the Democratic party, however have different opinions to social issues. Key figure: Jesse Jackson Unions Role: Supply a great deal of the money, political organization, and a voting base of support for the party. Key Figure: John Edwards (North Carolina)

Secular Beliefs: Fiscally conservative. These individuals oppose religiously-bound social policies of the Christian right. Key Figure: Pete Stark (California)


Beliefs: Centre-right. They are more supportive of the use of military force and would like to to reduce government welfare.
Key Figure: Hilary Clinton (New York) Conservative Beliefs: Conservative political views. They are fiscal and social conservatives. Key Figure: Ben Nelson (Nebraska) Libertarian Beliefs: Advocates civil liberties and are against large national debt. Key Figure: Mike Gravel ( Alaska)


Beliefs: Liberals are more left-wing. Advocated fair trade and other less conservative economic policies, while also strongly support civil liberties.
Key figure: Barbra Boxer (California) Progressive Beliefs: Rather centre-left on economic policy, while left-wing on social issues. Opposing the war in Iraq and supporting universal healthcare. Key Figure: John F. Kennedy (Massachusetts)

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