Physiological Properties of Skeletal Muscles

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Physiological properties of skeletal muscles Physiology

Sucessiue stimuli:- If we give 40 to 100 stimuli in 1 sec them if the muscle contract but there is no relaxation and we obtain complete Tetanus. This kind of axn is called complete tetanus.If we obtain incomplete tetanus. If is also called tonus. These are called tetabic contraclions. Factors:- Fumeraturs:- worm temp 25c and low temp 5c they lecreases contraction as well as relaxation of the muscles. Load:- If load is inc it decreases cont as well as relaxation but latent period is increased. Muscle fatigue:- Inability of the muscle to do further work. When the muscles are stimulated rapidly for longer period then force of contraction is dec relation period is inc. Muscle Mountains relaxed state i.e muscle does not do any work. If is non responsive exlaustuie state of muscle & fatigue occuers due to fall in energy level due to:(1) (2) (3) (4) Accumulation of CO2 Accumulation of Loctic acid Accumulation of Kelme bodus Decrease in acetyl choline A flee ioluntary work fatigue first of all comes in synapse (Hintion b/w nerue all and muscle all) Then into neuromusculas junction muscle.Fatigue can be remoued throuth proper blood supply or increase in oxygen. Sodium salt has excitatory. Effect Ca salt are associated irth muscle contraction 7k salt decreases exatability of muscles Mg2 and H also effects muscles duruny muscle contraction. Tonicily:- Muscles possess tone called muscle tone. They are always present in light tension of muscles. Its presence presents muscle fatigue muscles they contact & relax allesnatuely when I group 4 other group is relaxed

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