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axnarchand m a n g a l d a s

February 6,2009 The Sfiglstrar ofTrade Madcs 0Qce of Utt Trade MEtxksRfifi^bstiy Miymbai Re:

Agents cod No: 3794 Troprietor.Codo: RegfafattflonSectton ByHsad

lodifm Trademaik R^^stration No. 587464 TVademaik: ONWAffid In Class 25 datedDecember 2 ^ 1992 Registeid Brc^etan Kaboshild Kals^ Recordal of change of name to Kaliushild Kaiaha Oawaid Holdings {also trading as Onward Hol^ga C c UL\

This is-with reference to the o^itioned nuatter. We ie^)ect&Ify sx&milt tiiat Ihe name of the K^fstrant-Compaoy has been changed fiom KdbushH Ki^dsha Onwmd Kashfyama to'KalrasbjQki Kaisha Omrard Holdings (also Onward Bbldings Co^ Ltd.). - To &d&tate the afbresaM dungs, we respectfully submHherewi^ 1. A request on Form IM-^S along vfiOi fhe prescribed oQ(nal fse of lis. 1000/- for recorda] of change of name of the Rj^istran^Company &om KahnshikiKftisha Onwanl Ka^j^yama to EabnsliJki Kalsbi'Onward Holdings (also trading as Onward Htddfoga Co^ Xitd,)* A notarized copy of the cerdJScats fiom commerdal Register issoed l ^ Ibe relevant Qovemment Authori^'evidencing the said change of name alangwtth a copy of its certified Rngljsb translation; AcppyoftheAutlu)rizatiQnofAgenton&eba^ofw]uchweaxeactingQnbehat^ Kriiiislilki Kaisha Onward Holdings (also trading as Onward HoMfatgs^Co., Ltd.).



In pas^n^ we w i ^ to bring to liieteamedKe^stiar's attoilicm thatfileaddress )r s India has bem amended to read as follows. We submit h^^Evy^ a request on-FOm^-^M^ along with &e presraibed ofSi>iaI ^ fin* substttutkm of &e addr^s fbr searvioe of the registered proprietor to: Awarchand & Mangaldas & Snresh A. Shroffft Co. AttUtrctiaSd Towers, " 216, Oldtla Industrial Estate, Phase-HI
amtrchand & oiBagaldu & suresb a- ihroff & co. advocates & soUcicon ataatchiad towets, 216, okKl* Industrial eswce, phase-Ul. new delhi - 110 Q20 t!L : (91-11) 269Z0300. 41590700 fax : (9M1) 26924900, 26922900

amarchand mangaldas Nevirl)ena-U0020 wo tm Qctio^ on b^mlf Off^ ic^jsterod proprietDrs. We request the learned R^jstiar tQ lake liie a3is^ oftiieiegteteedproprtoor<mreoori and issue iMt^cation/iifareqpe^ Yours ^thfi%, Karaa fSI Sfa^<^Bahaa Of ATnarohand ftfongaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. Encl: FarmlM^S Copy KifJj^iorisatian ofA&nt Noia^sedcqiy qf^ Certtfica^ ofOumge ojiuam iongwi0i its Cailfkdns^ish traKdaOan QffU^^ee ofRs. ISOO/- (Rs,100Q/- + RLSOO/-)

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