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Algebraic Modeling Planning Guide SY 2012-2013

4th Quarter Chapter 4:

Quadratic and Higher-Order Polynomial Functions
Activity 4.8

DoDEA Standard Correlations

Learning Objective
1. Identify a direct variation function. 2. Determine the constant of variation. 3. Indentify the properties of graphs of power functions defined by , where n is a positive integer.

Additional Resources to Support the DoDEA Standards

Smart Exchange: Inverse Variation (Question set) Polynomial Functions Polynomial Functions and Graphs Spaghetti Bridges - Linear Regression Regression (Question set) Factoring Quadratic Equations (Question set) The Quadratic Formula Quadratic Equations Quadratic Equation Review (Question Set) Complex Numbers (Question Set) Activity Support: The Power in Power Functions Storage Tank Volumes Pathways Through Earth Resources--A Case Study: Oil, Grades 6-12 Math Problems: Aluminum Recycling A Moving Experience - Forces and Inertia The Laws of Motion Newton's Apple Season 15: Gold Mine

AM.4.2 Interpret key characteristics of exponential, logarithmic and power The Power functions (domain and range, of Power asymptotes, zeros, intercepts, intervals Functions of increase and decrease and rate of change).

Activity 4.9

Volume of a Storage Tank

No Algebraic Modeling Standards

Activity 4.10


AM.5.3 Analyze data of real world problems and determine if a single function piecewise function appropriately models the data. AM.5.4 Model different situations with a variety of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, power, and piecewise) and determine the type of function which best fits the context. AM.5.5 Make predictions for a variety of real world data with different functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, power, and piecewise) and determine reasonableness.

1. Identify equations that define polynomial functions. 2. Determine the degree of a polynomial function. Determine the intercepts of the graph of a polynomial function. 4. Identify the properties of the graphs of a polynomial functions. 1. Determine the regression equation of a polynomial function that best fits the data.

Last Edit: 8 Apr 2013

Algebraic Modeling Planning Guide SY 2012-2013

1. Factor expressions by removing the greatest common factor. 2. Factor trinomials using trial and error. Use to solve equations. 4. Solve quadratic equations by factoring. 1. Solve quadratic equations by the quadratic formula. Tutorials: How do I construct a straight line through data points? How to Use the Quadratic Formula

Activity 4.4

Sir Isaac Newton

No Algebraic Modeling Standards

Activity 4.5

Price of Gold

Activity 4.6

Heat Index

Lesson Plans: Complex Numbers How do I construct a straight line through data points? Line of Best Fit Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Factoring General Polynomials Formative: Quadratic Equation Solver: Factoring Web-Based Activities: Line of Best Fit The Quadratic Formula Completing the Square Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Activity 4.7

Complex Numbers

No Algebraic Modeling Standards

1. Identify imaginary unit i= 2. Identify a complex number. 3. Determine the value of the discriminant b - 4ac. 4. Determine the types of solutions to a quadratic equation. 5. Solve a quadratic equation in the complex number system.

Last Edit: 8 Apr 2013

Algebraic Modeling: 4th Quarter Planning Guide (SY 2012-2013)

AM.3.2 Interpret key characteristics of a quadratic function (domain and range, vertex, maximum/minimum, intercepts, axis of symmetry and end behavior) in the context of a real world problem. AM.3.1 Analyze data of real world problems and determine if a quadratic function appropriately models the data. AM.3.2 Interpret key characteristics of a quadratic function (domain and range, vertex, maximum/minimum, intercepts, axis of symmetry and end behavior) in the context of a real world problem. AM.3.3 Model and solve real world problems using a quadratic function; represent the problems both algebraically and graphically. AM.3.4 Determine a curve of best fit to approximate data that appears to form a quadratic relationship. AM.3.5 Make predictions for real world data based on quadratic relationships and determine reasonableness.

1. Determine quadratic regression models using a graphing calculator. 2. Solve problems using the quadratic regression model.

Example: Quadratics in standard form (Khan) Proof of Quadratic Formula (Khan) Example 1: Using the quadratic formula (Khan) Example 2: Using the quadratic formula (Khan) Example: Complex roots for a quadratic (Khan) Discriminant of Quadratic Equations (Khan) Discriminant for Types of Solutions for a Quadratic (Khan)

Algebraic Modeling Planning Guide SY 2012-2013

Chapter 2: The Algebra of Functions
Activity 2.1 Spending and Earning Money The Dormitory Parking Lot

DoDEA Standard Correlations

No Algebraic Modeling Standards

Learning Objective
1. Identify a polynomial expression. 2. Identify a polynomial function 3. Add and subtract polynomial expressions. 4. Add and subtract polynomial functions. 1. Multiply two binomials using the FOIL method. 2. Multiply two polynomial functions. 3. Apply the property of exponents to multiply powers. Having the same base. 1. Convert scientific notation to decimal notation. Convert decimal notation to scientific notation. 3. Apply the property of exponents to divide powers having the same base. 4. Apply the definition of exponents = 1, where 5. Apply the definition of exponents where is any real number. 1. Apply the property of exponents to simply an expression involving a power to power. 2. Apply the property of exponents to expand the power of a product. 3. determine the th root of a real number 4. Write a radical as a power having a rational exponent and write a base to a rational exponent as a radical.

Additional Resources to Support the DoDEA Standards

Smart Exchange: Algebra Tile Worksheet [Lesson] Multiplying Binomials Using FOIL [ Polynomials and Algebra Tiles Activity Support: To Spend or Not to Spend You light up my Life Math Lesson: Where Are We? In Search of Perfect Squares Perfectly Squared Tutorials: Decimals and Fractions (Khan) Converting fractions to decimals

Activity 2.3


No Algebraic Modeling Standards

Converting fractions to decimals (ex1) (Khan) Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 1) (Khan) Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 2) (Khan) Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2

Chapter 5: Find Rational Zeros Lesson Plans: Scientific Notation Formative: Evaluate nth Roots and Use Rational Exponents

Activity 2.4

The Cube No Algebraic Modeling of a Square Standards

Last Edit: 8 Apr 2013

Algebraic Modeling: 4th Quarter Planning Guide (SY 2012-2013)

Activity 2.2

No Algebraic Modeling Standards

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