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By: Nurhayani karim & Moh.

abdullatif Abjulu

What is meningitis?

The brain and spinal cord are covered by connective tissue layers collectively called the meninges which form the blood-brain barrier.

1-the pia mater (closest to the CNS)

2-the arachnoid mater

3-the dura mater (farthest from the CNS).


can be caused by many different organisms including viruses and bacteria. caused by a bacteria, is life threatening and requires urgent medical attention and treatment with antibiotics.


Causes of Meningitis


-Viral Infections

-Fungal Infections
-Trauma to head or spine.

What is Meningococcal disease?

Etiological Agent: Neisseria meningitides Reservoir: Humans only. 5-15% healthy carriers

Mode of transmission: direct contact with patients oral or nasal secretions. Saliva. Incubation period: 1-10 days. Usually 2-4 days

Viral Meningitis
Reservoirs: -Humans for Enteroviruses, Adenovirus, Measles, Herpes Simplex, and Varicella -Natural reservoir for arbovirus birds, rodents etc. Modes of transmission: -Primarily person to person and arthopod vectors for Arboviruses Incubation Period: -Variable. For enteroviruses 3-6 days, for arboviruses 2-15 days Treatment: No specific treatment available. Most patients recover completely on their own.

Symptoms for meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia:


temperature, fever, possibly with cold

hands and feet -Vomiting or refusing feeds -High pitched moaning, whimpering cry -Blank, staring expression

-Pale, blotchy complexion

-Stiff neck

Be aware, be prepared
Meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia (blood poisoning) are serious diseases that can affect anyone at any time. Teenagers and studentsin particular, are at \ increased risk.Most young people in the UK have already had the MenC vaccine. If you havent or cant remember, gettingvaccinated now is a good way to protect yourself.


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