4 Corners Reflection

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Date of lesson: 1/30/13 Standard or Topic: RL.9-10.

2 Objective: SWBAT identify their current stance on various issues from the novel in order to lay a foundation for future post-reading reflection. Assessment: SW participate in a 4 corners activity in which they choose a stance and defend it when asked. SW also quickwrite about one of the issues Lesson: 5 min SW complete warm up: Imagine a world w/o technology, what do you do all summer? TW take attendance, ask about reading homework and written homework. They may not have completed everything, we fell a little behind yesterday. 20 min SW read Ch 3 aloud. TW read and annotate Ch 3, using chapter questions to guide reading. 10 min SW do part 2 of the anticipation guide in which they have to write a couple of paragraphs discussing why they took the stance they did (in their lit log). 5 min TW explain the directions for the 4 corners activity. I will read the statement. Take 30 seconds to migrate to the corner that you agree with. Take two minutes to discuss with the group, why you migrated there. The next minute or so will be me asking a couple of the groups to explain their stance. Rules: quiet migration, calm discussion, no talking when others are. Remember your behavior points. 20 min 4 corners activity *If students are comfortable with ch 3, we will move to ch 4. **anticipation guide is in lit logs _______________________________________________________________________ _ Reflection: Today's lesson went okay. It definitely could have gone better. Student were very interested in the questions on the anticipation guide and could not wait to get out of their seats. During the four corners activity students were talking, a lot, but not really about the question that they were supposed to be answering. Next time, I would like to come up with some guiding questions that, as a group, they have to answer for every questions. That way they will be committed to talking about the appropriate topics. I also want to come up with some better classroom norms for activities like this and establish them early. I had never done an activity like this, so the rules that I gave them about appropriate conduct were easily forgotten.

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