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Might and Magic: Heroes VII - Timeline

??? - The Ancients start terraforming and colonizing of the planet Farionia, known later on as The Landing (time is measured since that event, as AL) 1AL-900AL - the Ancients support the development of domimant Farionian races, also leaving their technology in various places on the planet. 900AL - Last Ancients leave Farionia, and the control of the planet is left to the Guardian Revorak. 901AL - inner conflicts in Pa-Aron cause the kingdom to be split into Lower Pa-Agon, ruled by Red Elves and Upper Pa-Agon of Gray Elves. 904AL - Revorak is destroyed when the Sable Island's forces destroyed his fortress on a remote island north of Reghon. Necromancers immediately gain access to Ancients' technology. 905AL - Drakkhens of Reghon and necromancers Sable Island unite with goblins living in the Fields of Despair to form The Order of Legacy. 905AL - A menace of fighting the Order of Legacy causes the Red and Gray Elves of Pa-Agon to reunite (albeit still being two seperate countries), as well as being offered help by the vilas of Serene Lands - this leads to creation of The Roseheart Pact. 905AL - Humans living at Mitchael Bay are being harassed by the Order of Legacy's forces - unable to fight themselves off, they request help by the Bloodcast Kingdom and the dwarves living at the Northern Wastes. The combined forces merge to become The Free Keeps. At the same time, The Roseheart Pact offfers the Free Keeps their services. The Free Keeps however, are afraid that the elves might betray the Free Keeps and turn on them, and thus they reject their "offer". 906AL - First battles between the elves of Roseheart Pact and Free Keeps begin to occur. 907AL-present (911AL) - war is waging between the Order of Legacy bearing the technology of the Ancients, magical elves and vilas of the Roseheart Pact and mighty humans, orcs and dwarves of the Free Keeps - the war that shall be known as The War of Three Crowns.

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