Aquatics Program Development Plan

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Aquatics Program Development Plan

Written by: Document Name: Organization: Submitted to: Date: Leeatte Frisch- Israel Aquatics Program Development Plan Breath control exercises under water Variety Village Sherri Wood and Archie Allison Thursday December 6, 2012

Breath control exercises under water as part of relaxation therapy program.

Program Objective: Breath control exercises under water to maintain a controlled breathing rate, and take what they learned and use these techniques while performing everyday activities. SMART Goal: Client will improve their breathing techniques as demonstrated by the ability to blow bubbles in a controlled manner for 7 meters while swimming under the water (without looking up) once a week in the therapeutic pool at Variety Village. Measurable outcomes: -mastering proper breathing techniques under and above the water - improve rhythmic breathing which is useful for swimming under water for 7 meters and beneficial for ones general health -relaxation techniques to increase ones oxygen intake

This lesson will take place once a week for 45 minutes for three months in the therapeutic pool at Variety Village. The lesson is designed for kids to adults, older adults, people with respiratory issues, and people who want to learn proper breathing techniques.

Aquatics Program Development Plan

Week 2 class will be the following: - participants will gather in the water -10 minutes for introduction and debriefing of proper breathing sequencing Deep breathing exercises - 10 minutes for warm up exercises (incorporating proper breathing techniques) Walking back and forth from one end of the pool to the other to get heart pumping - 20 minutes of vigorous body movement -Have games that will focus on blowing bubbles with face above waterBalloon/ small ball pass- place a blown up balloon or small ball in front of a person and have to blow with your mouth to move it to a certain distance -Swimming under water activitiesRing toss- have rings spread out at the bottom of the pool and try to get X amount of rings at once- will build up more as session continues - 5 minutes for wrap up Cool down stretches and final relaxation - class ends with the instructor thanking the class for coming and offering the group an opportunity to ask questions and talk with others if they wish

Staff Requirements:
There needs to be a staff member such as a therapeutic recreationist running the program . Volunteers are welcome to join and will have optional tasks.

Materials Requirements:
Materials include flutter boards, noodles, weights, sinking objects (rings/ toys). 2

Aquatics Program Development Plan Evaluation of Effectiveness of Program:

Self-Evaluation: The program will be evaluated by the participants. Program evaluation forms will be filled out at the end of every class. This will determine if the program is beneficial to the participants and if they are making progress. The program evaluation form will ask the following questions : 1. How are you feeling prior to the class? 2. How well did you understand the instructions? 3. How well did you relax during the class? 4. How much did you enjoy today's class? 5. Will you recommend this program to your friends? Stressed/ Neutral/ Blissful 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Y N

Progress Report: At the end of the three month program, clients will notify the instructor if they found program meaningful and if the client feels that it helped with breathing techniques while swimming and out of the water

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