Lee County Schools Rti Framework

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Lee County Schools Universal Screening Process for RtI

A comprehensive and Fluid Analysis of Student Data to make Valid Instructional Decisions o Multiple Indicators Academic, Behavioral, and Peripheral o Longitudinal Data Used to Determine Patterns o All Staff Involved in Collecting and Reviewing the Data o Four Times Annually Using Specific and Current Data Based on the Calendar Year Academic Indicators are subject to change based on system and school changes in resources.

Suggested Strategies Content Areas (Rdg/ELA/Math/Sc/SS)

Word Identification HINTS SPLIT Summarization Relay Summary Anticipation Guide The Last Word Summary Star Exit Slip Vanity Plates Fluency Partner Reading Fluency Word Cards CLOZE Strategy Comprehension 3-2-1 GIST Jigsaw Story Pyramid Exit Slip Vanity Plates Vocabulary Semantic Mapping Semantic Feature Analysis VOCAB Strategy Concept Loops Engagement Turn and Talk Think-Pair-Share Table Talk Inside/Outside Circles Interview Lines Homework Huddle

Tier 1
No to Low Risk
Standard or Sporadic Monitoring

Score Range - 0 to 3 Indicators

Tier 2
Medium Risk
Strategic Monitoring

Behavior Strategies
Emotion (curiosity & excitement) for proper behavior Socialization Drama storytelling, role playing Visuals Identify & teach replacement behaviors Role Play with appropriate behavior & what-if scenes Earn Special Privileges Hierarchy of negative consequences

Score Range 4 to 6 Indicators

Intensive social skills teaching Individual behavior management plan Parent training & Collaboration Alternatives to out-of-school suspension Memory for proper behavior Create meaning for behavior Engage student in proper behavior Novelty for practicing behavior Tone for proper behavior

Tier 3
High Risk
Progress Monitoring

Area ELA Math Behavior

Assessment Resources Assessment Description

MAZE, Word Analysis Test, Nonword Reading Test, YS Test of Phoneme Seg. www.interventioncentral.org Curriculum Based Measures, Prog. Mon. Comprehension, Word Identification,Decoding, (CBM, Comp. Fluency, Early Math Fluency) Behavior Measures

Score Range 7 + Indicators

Learner Profile Indicators

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Spring 2012 Academic Indicator State Assessments (Standardized) Formative Report(s) (See Assessments for 2012) Last Report Card Grade (Core Grades) Attendance Discipline Referrals Grade Retention


Quality Instruction for All Learners - All General Education Teachers

Planning Data Analysis of All State Tests Course of Study Adopted Textbooks or Resources Items Specs ARMT Blue Prints Common Core Pacing Guides Curriculum Maps PBS(positive behavior support) Staff Development Peer Conversation Assessing Universal Screening Process for All Learners Summative Assessment of Standards and Skills Work Samples In Folder of Deficits Survey Learning Style/Multiple Intelligence Fidelity Checklist (Walk Through Form) On Going Formatives Progress Monitoring Class/Grade Profile Logs Instructing Fidelity To Adopted Core Differentiation Based On Learning Styles Adopted Best Practices Strategic Teaching Methods *More Specifics are In Guidelines

Tier 1
Green Differentiated Attention General Education

Essentials for Quality Core (Tier 1) Parent Conference Peer Collaboration Use of School Adopted Strategies Analysis of Student Work Analysis of the CORE Matching Standards to Student Finding Students Baseline

Targeted Plan for student to support deficit areas.

Work with Tier 2 Problem Solving Team All General Education Teachers
Students in this tier require more than the General Curriculum or School wide Positive Behavior Plan to make progress. Students will have gaps in learning and may be 6 months to a year behind.

Tier 2
Yellow Supplemental Student Support Strategies/Programs

Students may exhibit a deficit in particular standards or broad skills. Teachers have exhausted their own best practice strategies and what the adopted resource offers. Students have not shown marked progress and are having a difficult time being instructed on grade level through best practices. Complete Tier 2 plan for academic and/or behavioral deficits. Fidelity of Instruction and Plan must be reviewed.
*Required Forms State Forms Optional: Use ResponseNOW forms for planning as needed

Essentials for Progress Monitoring (Strategic) Tier 2 Team Meetings weekly to monthly Collects data every 2 weeks (10 days) 1 to 2 goals per plan Organized in Binder and/or Folders Teachers lead for strategy selection; Administrator for Programs Auxiliary Members may be invited 4 to 6 weeks of Intervention Required 3 Documented Strategy Changes 3 Data points required (Using Rate of Improvement) Documented Student Observation in area of concern by teacher, reading coach, or administrator for teacher feedback Documentation of Parent Communication regarding Student Challenges Organize By Individual Student

Intense Level of Intervention Tier 3 Problem Solving Team

General Education Personnel
A specific and intense Student Support Plan
Students require more intense intervention through research based programs or strategies via general education pull out.

Tier 3
Orange Supplemental Student Support Program

Student is more than one grade level behind. Student has deficits in multiple standards and specific skills. Complete Tier 3 plan. Fidelity of Plan and Instruction must be reviewed *Required Forms, State Forms Optional: Use ResponseNOW forms for planning as needed

IEP Team of General and

Special Education
An individualized learning plan is developed using data collection from the RtI plan along with the results from an evaluation.

Essentials for Progress Monitoring (Frequent) Tier 3 Team Meetings weekly to monthly Weekly Data Collection (5 days) 1 to 2 goals per plan Plan must be in Folder Administrator is Required Member of the Team 4 to 6 weeks if Student is moving from Tier 2 Continue Tier 2 Support Plan If placed in Tier 3 through screening, create a Tier 2 plan that supports Tier 3 seamlessly 8 to 12 weeks of minimum intervention if student starts in Tier 3 Documented Strategy Changes 6 Data Points Required (Based on Rate of Improvement) Vision and Hearing Required (less than 1 year old) At least One Documented Observation of student and teacher by Administrator Consider Inviting Parent to the Meeting as Part of the Team Documentation of Parent Communication regarding Student Challenges

Tier 4
Red Individualized Education Plan

RtI Framework Response to Instruction Lee County Schools

Essentials for Progress Monitoring Team Meetings (Yearly) Plan as needed weekly to monthly Weekly Data Collection (General and Special Education) Goals are Committee Decisions Plan follows Federal Guidelines Team comprised of General/Special Education and Parent Instruction and Intervention ongoing in All Tiers 3 Data Points Required for Re-Evaluation

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