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Washington Senior Center Information/Request submitted to Washington Selectmen April 11, 2013

General Statistics November 2012: Approximately 2800 Surveys were sent to all residential homes 111 Total Respondents 14 Under the age of 60; 97 Age 60 or over Demographics according to 2010 Census (taken from Republican American) o Washington Seniors 60+ = 1,070 o Roxbury Seniors 60+ = 664 o Bridgewater Seniors 60+ = 590 o Morris Seniors 60+ = 539 Number of rooms available at Senior Centers: o Washington = 1 office area; 1 large room (shared); Kitchen (shared) o Roxbury = 1 office; 1 large room; 1 computer room; 1 dining/seating area; 1 Kitchen o Bridgewater = 1 office; 1 large room; 1 computer room; 2 other activity rooms; 1 Kitchen; 2 storage areas o Morris = 1 office; 1 large room; 2 activity rooms; 1 Kitchen Facility Square Footage of Senior Centers o Washington = 1544 o Roxbury = 2043 o Bridgewater = 2077 o Morris = 2367 1. Would you like to see a Senior Center dedicated to Seniors only?

2. Is Exercise important to you?

.Exercise Equipment (Treadmill, Stationary Bike, Other) .Exercise Equipment (Weights) .Exercise Classes Other

No=53 Yes=51 Abstain=4 No=18 Yes=87 Abstain=6 52 35 52 19

o Aerobic, already go to a gym, anything outdoors, dancing, yoga, zumba, handicap

exercise help, sailing, cross country skiing, strong women/strong bones, swimming, tai-chi, hiking, walking, walking in groups, softball, basketball, boxing, Pilates, Aerobics

3. Are Academic Programs of interest to you?

Language (Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, etc. History Programs (Local) History (Other) Current Events Environmental Programs Investment Other o book club, Estate Planning, travel, medical advice, nutrition, French, poetry o
readings, music performance, music, art, film, tv, travel/history of destination, writing group; Other comments: Yes, but not at a sr. center

No=17 Yes=85 Abstain=8 29 56 32 38 28 17 8

4. Are Crafts and/or Hobby programs something you like to do? Card playing (Bridge, Pinochle, Poker, cribbage, canasta etc.) Board games (scrabble, mah jong, etc.) Woodworking (Whittling, etc.) Needlework (quilting, knitting, crocheting, etc.) Art Classes (painting, drawing, etc.) Cooking Classes Other o Bridge, bridge classes, ceramics, challenging woodworking, photography, pool,
scrapbooking, family history information, vintage baseball card collecting

No=26 Yes=76 Abstain=8 30 19 11 33 28 28 9

5. Do you enjoy Outdoor activities Horseshoes Bocce Shuffleboard Hiking Other o biking, gardening, birding, walking, kayaking, golf, horseback riding, picnics,
sailing, softball, swimming, Tennis, canoeing, wilderness hiking

No=18 Yes=84 Abstain=8 14 19 11 65 15

6. Would you like to see more lunches provided to you, or is one every other month sufficient?

Note: Question not phrased well

7. Would you enjoy learning more about using the Computer? Digital Photography Photo Editing Genealogy Spreadsheet Word Processing Other computer programs o apple ipad instruction, basic instruction, database, Internet research, Intro to
Computer; Email; Sending photos; Using search engines, power point presentation, Programming, Quicken; Quick books; CAD, Skype, using kindle or ipod efficiently, using cell phones efficiently

No=44 Yes=42 Abstain=24 No=33 Yes=69 Abstain=8 35 37 24 12 22 9

8. Would you participate in day-trips? Name Day trips you might be interested in o architecture, int. design, Art museums, Theater, Sports events, casino, museums,
chocolate factory, mystery trips, dinner theater, mall, luncheons nearby, historical places, art galleries,, music, dance, sporting events, NY botanical garden, NYC, off Broadway, historic, Stockbridge, Lenox, sundae trips, Visiting other towns in CT

No=33 Yes=63 Abstain=14

9. Would you be willing to volunteer to teach a class at the Senior Center? Class would you be willing to teach o American history, current events, cooking, wine, contemp. European history,
travel, Crafts, Cross-stitch embroidery, dog care & training - orchard care, environmental science, writing, investments, lic. aesthetician - skin care class, maybe art, maybe writing, pie crust making, quilting, knitting, Simple Astronomy, Washington history, watercolor, willing to give lectures if there is access to a working slide projector - haven't yet mastered digital presentation

No=66 Yes=23 Abstain=21

10. Would you be willing to donate to fund a new Senior Center?

No=45 Yes=53

11. Would you be interested in joining a Senior Center Planning Committee or Fund Raising Committee? 12. Additional comments o Afternoon at the Movies - I would like monthly or bi/weekly movie presentations for o
free or nominal fee ($1-2) old black white 30's, 50's, 60's I am new to the community and am only 45 years old. However, I would be interesting in helping build a Senior Center that is an active part of the local community, as well as a Center that would connect the retired community on a social basis. I don't have much money - but I would be willing to be involved in helping to promote your endeavor by volunteering for fundraising events and/or promotion of any kind. I think seniors deserve an expanded, enhanced building I think we should have a community center like Litchfield I would prefer seeing a community center if economically feasible If a new senior center is eventually provided, please give serious attention to easy access to easy access to doorways, bathrooms and nearby parking If there is a new building, could it be used by other segments of the community, day care, teen space + a commercial kitchen? Need a more attractive place to have activities - a senior center or community ctr is essential for our town Seniors should be involved with food drives, toys for tots, etc Too old and infirm to do many activities Why not use the hall in New Preston as the town already owns it - seems like as waste of money that can be used for better things

Abstain=12 No=67 Yes=13 Abstain=31

o o o o o o o o o

Our general comments: Even though we might think that the number of survey responses is somewhat disappointing, the basic message one might take from the people that did respond is that there are programs that could be made available to our seniors that our present facility cannot accommodate, therefore does not meet the needs of our seniors' interests. It is well accepted that our senior population is growing because of the aging baby boomers. We feel that Washington needs to start to address this future issue; and we request that you might consider starting to fund for a new or alternative senior center to what we have presently.

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