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Dr. Thomson Final 1. According to revelations 4:9-11 what did God create? a. All things. 2.

According to Genesis 1:31, what was the initial state of everything on the earth? a. Good. 3. According to Genesis 2, describe the initial relationship between God and man? a. Close relationship. 4. According to Romans 5:12, what happened to mankind? a. Man sinned. 5. According to Isaiah 1:11-17, how does God respond to our current acts of appeasement towards him? a. He hates sinfulness. 6. According to Romans 3:21-24, what percentage of people are able to live up to Gods expectations? a. Zero percent. 7. According to Isaiah 11:1-9, what did God do to reconnect to man? 8. According to 1 Timothy 2:3-6, describe the current relationship between God and man. a. He sees Jesus. 9. According to Mark 16:15-16 who will be saved? a. Who ever believes and is baptized will be saved. 10. According to Ephesians 2:1-10, what do we need to do to deserve salivation? a. You dont deserve it. 11. According to Galatians 5:1-6, what does Paul say about those who try to be justifies by the law? a. Alienated by Christ. 12. What are we called to do according to Mathew 28:19? a.

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