Lesson 3 Guidelines

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S-L Lesson 3 - What Can I Give?

Purpose: After identifying needs in their community and investigate what they can do, students will make a plan to demonstrate their responsibility to their community through a service-learning project. Duration: Two 30-minute Class Periods Objectives: Students will: brainstorm a list of challenges in their community and ways to help their community. prove why they should play an active role in their community. plan and implement a service-learning project.

Materials: Video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivWY9wn5ps&ob=av3e Butcher paper and markers List of VWOs

Instructional Procedure(s): Trigger Activity: Teacher selects a few groups to present their homework answers from Lesson 2. (Task: Each group selects one of the two sample projects and discuss how the project can be improved to make it more meaningful to the class as well as the community.)

Teacher emphasises the following: Authentic needs Service outcomes Learning outcomes

Main Activities: 1. Show powerpoint on Lesson 3 2. Play "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivWY9wn5ps&ob=av3e). In small groups, students will discuss their reactions to the song/video. Tell the groups to write a summary of the message presented by the song. Share their messages with the whole group. 3. Inform students of Service-Learning Programme for 2013 4. Go through the 5 stages in the service-learning process. 5. Group discussion on class service-learning project: Have students meet in their small groups again, this time answering the following questions: What are some of the challenges our community faces? (Think about empowering community youth to strengthen self-esteem and sharing our talents and interests from the identities projects.) What are some of the ways we can make a difference in the community?

Bring the groups together to share ideas and come to consensus on a project they can plan.

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