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8 The Electrical Worker | Gober 2007 ‘Fair Play’ Scoreboard LLU, 6 (estu), SAN FRANCISCO, CA—The San Franelscooletrcal industry Labor Management Cooperation Committee (LMCC) purchased and installed "Pair Play” scoreboard at Benedetti Diamond ball field locate on the inner city cam pus of the University of San Francisco, Golden ate Sign Co. and Paganini Electr provided the workforce that completed the project in early summer USP is scheduled to have soveral tele ‘std gamos next year and every tme the camera _pans the seorobvard, our International logo wail beam the pride of IBEW members everywhere. Indy, Leal 6 hosted an evetrieal work shop on photovltsic solar installations. Experts from the solar industry introduced the atest, most, efficient systems avalablefor commercial and es- dental installations. The workshop had equal par ticipation by members and contratars alike. ‘Also in July, Local 8 hosted the Northern Joint Electrical Conferenew of Electrical Workers ‘in Reno, NV. Almost ll of the noether California locals, as woll as Reno Loeal 01, reported that ‘work is plentiful, and travelers are needed to staf future projects. IBEW Ninth District In CL aang ere ere ‘ae (tm) Radio-Television Manufacturing (ffs) Radio-Television Service Vice Pres. Michael 8. Mowrey delivered an inspr Jing speech reminding membors to never forget the meaning of the oath” we took when abl fated into membership. Jef Sweeney, PS Projects Set to Start LLU.8 (asemignarmntytsstspa), TOLEDO, O#— Atthis writing the work situation is heating up with the weather Jobs are geting through to Book IIs teen a long time coming, hut our ‘work potore looks gond for the future, with a number of jobs st to start son Our outages at the BP ol refinery and Fermi are in fll swing, With about 200 elect fans at BP and 50 at Ferm, Congratulations to the apprentice graduating lass of 2007 Meeting graduation requirements wore: 17 residential rainces, $8 inside appren tees, and three telecommunieatons appre Best wishes toll fora suecossul carer! Many thanks to retiod Bro, Paul Reid, who Dull new podinm and tables forthe meeting hall.Come toa union meeting and eheck out Paul's beautiful work. Fim Kostoushi, BM. Strategic Plan LLU. 12 (jose), PUEBLO, CO—Sixloal members attend the Grace Carol Rocky Mountain Labor Scho! held this ear in Plagstaf, ZL The highlight vas atlending the opening ofthe movie Sick," by Mietae! Moore, "The lim shows the atmeltis ak ing pace inthe American health carevinsuranee industry. Afterward, tho 150 union members wet tothe loat hospital o show our suppor for nurses trying to organize the hospital The nurses efforts have nt succeeded as ofthis wring, but hopefully ur show of support wil help! ‘Toca 12 held elections June 4, Officers lected are: Bus. Mge/Fin Sec. Dan Toussaint, Pres. Don Dison, Ree, Se, Joe Tatinski, reas ‘Ted Bamber; Excoutve Board members Dan Kraus, ‘amon Quintana, Brian Miler, Weston Taylor, Stan Jams, Ve Tenorio; and Examining Boaed members Jim McGinnis, Jory Jackson and Ray’ Holloway Our local oticers, with the help of Eighth Distriet Int Rep. Guy B. Rune, implemented 3 new Strategie Plan for the lneal that ses up vari- ‘us goals fo the next three to five ears. We also adopted the new Soxual Harassment Policy and several Local 12 members have taken the Cade of Bxeellenen/Stewards course put on by our International Representative, Chuck Staten, ABA

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