Classroom Management Plan

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Miss Millers Classroom Management Plan:

Expectations: Students will report to their lessons and rehearsals on time. Student will come to lessons and rehearsals with their instrument, music, and folder! Students will be prepared to play their assigned music by themselves and along with others. Students will respect the teacher and their fellow students Students will try their best in music class. Examples include: Playing thier instrument Singing Volunteering to help or answer questions

Rewards for Good Behavior: Each student will have their own space on a sticker chart. Stickers will be awared for coming to lessons and rehearsals prepared and behaving appropriately. No more than 2 stickers may be awarded per child for each class period. Once a student has reached the maximum stickers in their column they are eligible for a prize. After a student has retrieved their prize, the stickers must be removed and they will start with a clean column. If all students in a grade level reach the maximum stickers in thier column once by the end of a marking period they will recieve a treat after band rehearsal.

Consequences for Bad Behavior: While a perfect world would not need this section, it is necessary to have procedures to follow when disruptions occur in the classroom. The following procedure will be used to discourage bad behavior: Students will get a warning for the first time ONLY that they do not come to a lessons or rehearsals prepared. Students will lose one sticker for their column for each lessons or rehearsal they do not attend or come prepared. Student will be removed from activity for a set amount of time and be spoken to after class about their disruption.

Students removal from activity, plus speaking with classroom teacher and music teacher after class to discuss behavior and appropriate consequence. A phone call to the parents may occur. Discussion with Principal, Music Teacher, and student plus parental phone call. Meeting with Principal, Guidance Counselor, Parents, Student and Music Teacher. Any schoolwide policy will supersede my Consequences.

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