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Assignment Two: I am going to observe members of the Chi Omega sorority here on campus.

I chose to observe this particular figured world because I am a part of it. I feel that I have a bit of knowledge as to what my sisters and I do but in these observations I hope to gain more knowledge as to what we really do. I expect to see many sisters interacting in different ways depending upon their relationship. A big and little relationship may be observed as a mentor type of conversation. Pledge sisters may be interacting as really close friends since they went through recruitment and initiation together. Also, new members and sisters may be interacting on a get to know you basis. I hope to give a new idea of what exactly sorority girls do and disprove many misconceptions. I expect to see many different aspects of each sister such as studying, socializing and even dancing. I am interested to see how much we actually have in common and to observe how diverse the group is as well. I plan to observe at Chapter and twice at the Chi Omega house in Greek village. The atmosphere at chapter should be more business professional seeing as the meeting itself is held in a more formal setting. At the house I expect to see sister in a more casual, social setting. Sisters usually come to the house to spend time together rather than meet and discuss upcoming topics. The rules for the house are simple, you most accompany any non-Chi Omega guest at all times and boys are not allowed past the common area. I am very proud to be apart of this amazing organization and I hope to show just what goes on in a sorority house and prior to our weekly meetings.

Alayna Smith -Sophmore -Pre-Kinesiology major


How long have you been apart of Chi Omega? Since Fall 2011 What is your favorite part of Chi Omega? Involvement with so many things in the community such as Make a Wish Did you always know you wanted to be in a sorority? No What is the greatest memory you have with Chi Omega? Winning Homecoming last year, Airband, and Formal How has Chi Omega helped you prepare for life after college? Time managements, planning events What misconceptions did you have about being in a sorority? That they were snobby cliques and that I wouldnt fit in Describe what Greek Unity means to you. Getting along with other organizations as well as attending their events and planning events with them Describe what Sisterhood means.

Sisterhood means: support, lifelong friendships, family, a bond that nobody understands Have you held a position while being in Chi Omega? If yes, describe all positions. Homecoming chair-organized everything for the week of homecoming How did Chi Omega help you transition to college life? Helped me meet a wide variety of people Have you ever lived/live in the Chi Omega house? No What is the best part of having 100+ sisters? Always having someone to turn to in a time of need What did your parents think when you wanted to join Greek Life? They werent against it but they didnt know much about Greek Life Amanda Lopez -Freshman -Pre-Nursing major How long have you been apart of Chi Omega? Since Fall 2012 What is your favorite part of Chi Omega? Being able to attend events, meet other Greeks and spend hours upon hours with sisters Did you always know you wanted to be in a sorority? No, I was convinced by my roommate to rush and go through the recruitment process and I was amazed by what I went through and experienced. What is the greatest memory you have with Chi Omega? Becoming an initiated member How has Chi Omega helped you prepare for life after college? I have matured so much and have learned to accept the many different types of people (women) in Chi Omega What misconceptions did you have about being in a sorority? I thought sororities were all about parties and I am not a part of the party scene. Surprisingly I found out that 90% of the time we focus on scholarship and community service. Describe what Greek Unity means to you. Greek unity means when all sororities and fraternities join together to support one another. Attending each others events, fundraisers, and support each others philanthropies, and spending time getting to know each member of Greek Life. Describe what Sisterhood means. Sisterhood means that you are not alone in a sorority. You will constantly have someone ( a sister) there for you when you need anything. Besides that, working together and growing together with your sisters, is a huge part of sisterhood Have you held a position while being in Chi Omega? If yes, describe all positions. No

How did Chi Omega help you transition to college life? Without Chi Omega, I would have no social life. I wouldnt have as many friends to hang out with or go and get my nails done with. Chi Omega has encouraged me to do well in school and on the plus side, many sisters are in my major and they help me out with school work when I need it. Have you ever lived/live in the Chi Omega house? No, but I plan to this upcoming Fall. What is the best part of having 100+ sisters? You will always have someone to hangout with or do favors for you. What did your parents think when you wanted to join Greek Life? My parents were so supportive.

Terms: Greek- means being a part of a sorority or fraternity on campus Airband- is a dance competition held every year at the end of Greek week, each fraternity and sorority picks a theme from a movie, tv show, or scenario and acts it out to music. Formal- is a dance held by each sorority where they are allowed to bring dates and they go to a venue and dance the night away Crest- a badge that only initiated members can where and it helps describe our history as an organization Composite- A huge collection of individual pictures of each sister to show who is a part of our organization, a new one is made every year New members- Girls that are not yet initiated but they have accepted a bid from us Bid- an invitation to join the sorority and upon learning our history and becoming initiated they will become a sister Executive Board- the leaders of our organization that help keep things in line and us informed. The Executive Board consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Personnel Chair, and Recruitment Chair Advisor- a Chi Omega woman that has graduated from college and is chosen to observe and make sure we are following National rules

Chapter: Sunday March 24, 2013 CHHS Building -Pin attire- business casual, without showing shoulders and dresses/skirts must touch the knee, and closed toed shoes must be worn -Executive members have a meeting prior to sisters arriving -badge order- The order in which you were initiated, by pledge class then last name -New members are unable to attend Chapter until they are initiated

5:34 First person, Sister Lopez, arrives. (Executive Board is having a meeting) Tell what exec is. 5:36 Sister Knapp arrives & changes from flip-flops to closed-toe shoes. 5:39 Sister Galvin, Sister Ward, and Sister Enochs arrive and take the elevator to the third floor of CHHS. 5:41 Sister Galvin approaches Sister Knapp to discuss what she did this weekend. 5:43 Sister Enochs and Sister Ward continue conversation on a bench. 5:45 Sister Couture arrives and greets sisters. 5:47 Sister Fix, Sister Billingsley, and Sister Rooney arrive. 5:48 Sister Rooney drops phone. 5:49 Sister Knapp receives her hat for Carolina Cup from Sister Lopez. 5:51 Sister Rispoli & Lewis arrive. 5:52 Sister Couture looks @ planner to see her plans for next week. 5:53 Sister Yesgosh, Smith, and Garner arrive and switch shoes. 5:54 Sister Garner goes to the bathroom before Chapter begins. 5:56 Sister Lambeth, Beeker, Blazer, and 5 more Sisters arrive. 5:57 Conversations are carried by all sisters. 5:58 Exec members exit the room & use the bathroom before Chapter begins. 5:59 Sister Jankowski speaks to Couture. 6:00 10 more Sisters arrive. 6:01 Sister Galloway comes to talk before our meeting begins. 6:02 Our president greets us before we line up. 6:04 Sister Quillen talks to sister Galloway about formal. 6:05 Many sisters are arriving. 6:07 We begin to line up in badge order. 6:10-6:15 Sisters enter in twos. 6:15 Chapter begins.

Monday March 25 @ Chi Omega house in Greek Village 6:30- Sisters are sitting at the table working on homework 6:32- Taylor comes downstairs to get her clothes out of the dryer 6:34- She then comes over to talk to Holly about their class assignment 6:37- Carly comes downstairs to make her macaroni 6:39- Carly finds a seat at the table to eat and begin writing a paper 6:40- Lindsey knocks on the front door and Carly lets her in 6:41- Lindsey sits at the table to put candy in Easter eggs for her class tomorrow at a local elementary school 6:42- Carly ask what she is doing that for so Lindsey explains 6:43- Madi and Melissa walk through the living room (they are leaving to go get food) 6:44- Carol comes from her room to Watch TV on the couch (something on bravo) 6:45- Savannah enters the kitchen to get a RedBull from the fridge 6:47- Erin knocks on the door and Savannah lets her in 6:48- Erin goes upstairs to get her half-zip from Brooke 6:49- Savannah begins refreshing Holly of the dance for Airband 6:50- Sisters and new members begin arriving for practice 6:52- Savannah begins Airband practice by going over the steps they learned last practice 6:53- Savannah ask Ashley to press play on the Ipod Tuesday March 26, 2013: Chi Omega Living Room 7:10- New member Courtney is working on Criminal Justice homework 7:11- Meghan begins teaching new dance 7:12- Meghan ask Becca to start the music 7:14- Corinne comes from the stairs to join the group dancing 7:15-Amanda practices the dance individually to refresh her memory 7:16- Meghan explains how you are placing your leg 7:17- Jessica ask Meghan to watch and make sure shes doing it correctly 7:19- The group tries the first 8- count together 7:20- Amanda shows Allie how to place her hands 7:22- Lexi comes from the right side of the stairs to exit through the front 7:23- Danielle uses the common bathroom beside the elevator 7:24- Carly, Corinne, and Kristen discuss the dance 7:25- Meghan counts out the dance while the group practices 7:26- Kristen and Jessica take a mini break before the dance begins again 7:28- Sigourney lets Savannah into the house 7:29- Lindsey watches Carly to make sure she is doing the correct moves 7:30-Corinne grabs her water to rehydrate 7:31- Mercury enters the kitchen to throw away her snack wrapper 7:32- Meghan and Becca discuss when the dance should start

7:33- Amanda and Morgan talk about their test they had today 7:34- Corinne enters the kitchen to throw away her Ritz cracker wrapper 7:35- Meghan plugs in her computer to make sure her computer doesnt die Prezi Link:

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