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Toffee Cushion

3 x 25g balls in white 2 x 25g balls in pink 1 x 25g ball in blue no 7 needles or 4 1/2 mm needles Soft toy filling for stuffing Special abbreviations for this pattern: M.l K.b. = make 1 st. by lifting thread before the next st. and knitting into back of it. Pink Stripped Cushion With W, cast on 70 sts. Work in throughout in stripes as follows: 8 rows W, 4 rows P, 4 rows B, 4 rows P, 8 rows W. Rep. these 28 rows 5 times more. Cast off in W. Diagonal Striped Cushion With W, cast on 3 sts. 1st row K. 2nd row K.l, M.lK.b., K.l, M.lK.b, K.l. 3rd row K. 4th row K.l, M.lK.b., K. to last st.. M.lK.b., K.l. Cont. in inc. 1 st. in this way at both ends of every alt. row until there are 103 sts., at the same time keeping stripe sequence as follows: 20 rows W, 4 rows P, 20 rows W, 4 rows G. K. 1 row. Next row K.l, M.lK.b., K. to last 2 sts., K.2 tog. Rep. last 2 rows for a further 10cm. ending with a W.S. row.

Keeping stripe sequence correct, dec. 1 st. at both ends of next and every alt. row until 3 sts. rem. Cast off. TO MAKE UP Do not press. Finish off all ends. Join each cushion along the appropriate edges, leaving the two ends open. For each cushion cut 18 lengths from remaining yarn, 70cm. long. Take 9 strands of the yarn, knot together near one end and plait in groups of 3 strands. Knot together at other end. Plait the other 9 strands in the same way. Tie one end of the cushion securely with one of the plaits. Stuff and then tie the other end of the cushion with the remaining plait. Trim the knotted ends of the plait.

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