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Climate change is a change in the modern climate and distribution of weather over a period of time. Respected Worthy teacher and dear friends today I stand before you to speak on topic How humans are responsible for change in climate. Humans have been affecting the climate since we appeared on this earth millions of years ago. In those times the affect on the climate was small. Trees were cut down to provide wood for fire. Trees take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. The reduction in number of trees has resulted in increase in amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. The Industrial Revolution has a large effect on climate change. The invention of the motor engine and the increased burning of fossil fuels have increased the amount of carbon dioxide. Increase in aerosols, cement manufacturing, ozone depletion, and change in land use pattern, pollution and burning of coal for production of electricity by humans also led to climate change. These climate changes are very likely the cause for the rapid increase in global average temperatures over past years. Several evidences indicate that these climate changes are negatively affecting physical and biological systems worldwide. At the end I would like to bind up by saying that we should stop further human impact on climate change and find ways to adapt to change that has already occurred. THANKING YOU!

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