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Greenfield Township Fire Department Exposure to Bed Bugs Policy New/Revision Date: 2/13/2013 Effective Date: 2/14/2012 Resolution

# __2013021302F______ Page(s): 3 I. The proliferation of bed bugs in residential and commercial settings has necessitated the Greenfield TWP Fire Department to formulate a policy concerning exposures. Bed bugs are extremely difficult to exterminate once an infestation has occurred: therefore, it is our departments mandate for all firefighters to receive training on the prevention of bed bugs. This policy will address the steps necessary to maintain bed bug free fire stations and the steps necessary once an exposure has occurred. In the Station: There shall be no cardboard, loose linens or fabrics allowed to lie on floors. All personal items shall be placed in personal plastic totes if no space is available in your locker or if a part-time or volunteer does not have a locker. Items found lying on the floor not contained in plastic totes shall be removed to truck bay to be claimed, in a timely manner, by owner. All living quarters shall be swept daily. In addition, each crews assigned clean-up area shall be thoroughly cleaned every Friday they are on duty. Thorough clean-up includes, but not limited to: floors moped with disinfectant solution, walls wiped down and furniture and carpeted floors vacuum cleaned. All mattresses shall have a department issued, impermeable mattress cover. All personal bed linen shall be washed no less than once per week and dried on high heat. Clothing, shoes, bunker pants, coats etc., that are suspected of being exposed to bed bugs, shall be properly treated. Bunker gear shall never be taken or worn into the dorm or other living or administration areas of the Fire House (Bay and Gear room only). If bed bugs are found in the station the following procedure shall apply. The station living quarters shall be immediately cleaned by the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. Floors swept and mopped. All drapery shall be removed and washed Walls and baseboards shall be wiped down with a disinfectant cleaner. Personal linen shall be washed and placed in dryer on high heat for at least 20 minutes. The shift officer shall be notified and he/she shall notify the Fire Chief immediately. The Fire Chief shall determine if a professional pest control company should be contracted.

II. a.






While on an Emergency Run a. When responding to a known location with bed bugs, all personnel shall don shoe covers. Pant legs shall be tucked into boots or rolled so as not to touch top of shoe cover. Shoe covers will then be deposed of in sealed plastic bags. If bed bugs are discovered on the emergency scene, all personnel are to tuck in pant l egs into boots, immediately if possible. The report writer will indicate in the narrative of the EMS and/or fire report that there was an exposure to bed bugs during the emergency run.

b. c.



If bed bugs are noted on any fire department personnel the following steps shall be taken: a. Personnel shall not go into any living quarters of the fire house. They shall not sit on any furniture. Personnel shall take themselves out of service. The medic or fire apparatus shall be decontaminated with disinfectant. All exposed medic cases and bags shall be cleaned. As soon as de-con is completed, personnel shall remove outer clothing and place them in the dryer on high heat for 20 minutes. Shoes/boots shall be placed on the gear dryer rack and heated for 20 minutes. Use caution to ensure shoe does not melt. Personnel shall shower. Personnel shall have extra duty clothes and shoes in their locker in order to limit the amount of time out of service. If exposure occurred to bunker gear, place affected gear into gear dryer on high heat for 20 minutes.


c. d.


f. g.



While transporting a patient with possible bed bug exposures: a. Discreetly notify receiving hospital, upon arrival of the potential for bed bug exposure. If possible, this should be done before patient reaches hospital in case patient(s) need to be moved. Medics should call ER by phone if possible. It shall be the responsibility of the EMS report writer to inform their officer-in-charge of the address of possible bed bugs. It shall be the officer-in-charges duty to notify the EMS Coordinator, via e-mail, of the bed bug address. The EMS Coordinator shall


maintain a list of known locations and inform the organization of the infestation locations. c If the exposure occurs during a fire response, the officer-in-charge of the fire apparatus shall follow the procedures set forth in the preceding paragraphs.


If bed bugs are identified at a firefighters home. a. If a firefighter finds they have an infestation at home, they are required to notify the Greenfield Township Fire Department immediately. Firefighters will not be allowed to report for duty until they can provide the fire chief with documentation that their home infestation has been satisfactorily eliminated.

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