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What constitutes effectiveness ? Which variable is to be counted or measured that will indicate the degree of advertising effectiveness? Communication effect : Ads potential effect on awareness, knowledge or preference. Sales effect

Advertising is a potential tool for increasing sales

Avoiding costly mistakes Evaluating alternative strategies

Increasing the efficiency of advertising

Research problems Disagreements on what, when and where to test.

Pre-testing : Testing advertisement before it is run

Post-testing: Testing after an advertisement has

run to measure its effectiveness is called posttesting

Ad copy testing method should ensure that ad is

achieving objectives. It should consist of multiple measurements to ensure performance of ad. A good copy testing method is based on the model of human response to communication. It should be clear about whether the advertising stimulus should be exposed more than once. It acknowledges that the more finished the copy is ,the better is the testing. Therefore the alternative executions must have the same degree of finish.

It should provide controls to avoid the bias

normally found in the exposure context. Most of the methods of measuring adeffectiveness are based on sampling methods. For reliable results sample size should be large. It should be clear about results expected through each test. It should demonstrate reliability and validity empirically.


Order of merit test Paired comparison

Portfolio test
Mock magazine test Perceptual meaning


In home projection

tests Trailer tests Theatre tests Live telecast tests

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Post testing is to determine if messages achieve their established objectives. It takes place after the campaign, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the copy in communicating its message.
Penetration tests
Progress tests


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