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Teacher Guide (Exhibition) Theme of Exhibition : Life Processes Introduction: The Breathing Organs The lungs are the

breathing organs of a human. The lungs are large pink organs located in the chest of a human and they consist of soft tissues. There are two large, i.e the right and left lungs in the human body. The breathing tract of a human includes the nose (or sometimes mouth), and windpipe. Fine hairs in our nose act as a filter to remove dust and any fine particles from the air. Target Group: 10 to 11 years old Curriculum Links: 1. Key Concepts: 1. Human breathe. 2. When humans breathe, they (a) Take in oxygen (b) Give out carbon dioxide. 3. Human need to breathe. 2. What students would do and learn: 1. Pupils use their hands to feel the movement of their chest as they breathe. 2. Pupils discuss to conclude that the movement of the chest is due to breathing. 3. Pupils discuss that when they inhale they take in air. 4. Pupils discuss that when they exhale they give out air. 5. Pupils gather information and discuss that: a. Inhale air has more oxygen than exhaled air. b. Exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than inhaled air. 6. Pupils observe model or picture of human body to see that the lung is a breathing organ for human and to identify the passage of air movement when human breathes. Glossary: Pink organs organ merah jambu Chest dada Inhale menarik nafas Exhale menghembus nafas Lungs paru-paru Windpipe salur udara

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