Red Lake County SWCD Red Lake County SWCD: Construction Projects J

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Red Lake County SWCD

Construction Projects j
Streambank and Shoreland Protection Grassed Waterways Side Sid Water W t Inlet I l t Structure St t Initiative I iti ti

River Monitoring Grant Funding g Opportunities pp Future Projects j for 2013

Johanneck Streambank & Shoreland Protection Project j

Huot Streambank & Shoreland Protection Project

Huot con cont t

Audette Grassed Waterway

Flage - Erosion

Flage Erosion

Flage Erosion

Flage Series of Projects

Flage con cont t

Flage con cont t

Oscarson Grade Stabilization Sh Shoreland l d Protection t ti

Oscarson con cont t

Johanneck Streambank & Sh Shoreland l d Protection t ti

Johanneck Streambank and Sh Shoreland l d Protection t ti

Shirrick Grassed Waterway and Drop Structure Str ct re Project

RLWD Ditch # 3

SWCD River Monitoring Sites (1998 Present) (1998-Present)

SWAG Monitoring Sites 2008 2008-2010 2010

$$$ - Funding Opportunities - $$$

Red River Valley Flood Recovery Grant BWSR CWF Clean Water Assistance Grants BWSR CWF Conservation Drainage Grants BWSR CWF Shoreland Improvement Grants MPCA Surface Water Assessment Grants USDA-NRCS (EQIP, WHIP, etc.) BWSR State Cost-Share Program (annually) Red Lake Watershed District (annually) Landowner Contributions $ 7 7,321 321 $290,250 $263 295 $263,295 $ 63,600 $ 48,421 $ 61,471

$ 12,500 25% local match

Future Projects j - 2013

St St. Josephs Joseph s Church Stormwater Improvement Project Huot Grade Stabilization Project Red Lake County Side Water Inlet Structure Initiative Project Flage Phase II Grade Stabilization Project

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