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815 16

Street, N.W., Fourth Floor North Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 637-5399 Fax: (202) 637-5398


On MurcI z, zo1o, PresIdenL Obumu sIgned LIe PuLIenL ProLecLIon und AIIordubIe
Cure AcL (ACA). TIe AcL provIdes numerous beneIILs Ior senIors under MedIcure
und MedIcuId. Here ure LIe mujor cIunges Ior zo1.

1ree Medicol Check Ups under Medicore Continue

PrIor Lo pussuge oI LIe ACA, MedIcure uIIowed Ior u one-LIme Iree cIeck up wIen
senIors joIned LIe MedIcure progrum. n zo11, senIors begun receIvIng u Iree cIeck
up; LIIs beneIIL Is now uvuIIubIe on u yeurIy busIs.

1ree Preoentioe Screenings Continue

BeneIIcIurIes no Ionger Iuve Lo puy uny cosL sIurIng Ior MedIcure covered prevenLIve
servIces LIuL ure recommended by LIe U.S. PrevenLIve ServIces Tusk orce und ruLed
A or B. TIe Iuw uIso wuIves LIe MedIcure deducLIbIe Ior coIorecLuI cuncer screenIng

Prescription Drug Discounts Continue ond Suhsidies 1ncreose

n zo1, LIe MedIcure PurL D drug beneIIL dougInuL IoIe Is Irom $zq;o Lo $;;zo.
PrIor Lo LIe pussuge oI PPACA, wIen beneIIcIurIes IeII InLo dougInuL IoIe, LIey Iud
Lo puy 1oo% oI LIe cosLs oI LIeIr prescrIpLIon medIcuLIons. TIe new IeuILI cure Iuw
provIdes drugs dIscounLs und subsIdIes Lo IeIp IIII In LIe dougInuL IoIe. n zo1,
MedIcure beneIIcIurIes wIo IuII In LIe PurL D drug beneIIL dougInuL IoIe wIII receIve
u o% dIscounL on LIe prIce oI LIeIr brund nume drugs. BeneIIcIurIes wIo IuII In
LIe dougInuL IoIe wIII uIso receIve u z1 % governmenL subsIdy Lowurd LIe cosL oI
generic drugs und z.% subsIdy Ior brund nume drugs. TIus, LIe LoLuI ouL-oI-
pockeL cosLs (this includes what beneficiaries pay -- deductible and co-payments -- plus
drug discounts) Is $q;o. TIe dougInuL IoIe wIII be cIosed by zozo.

Exponds " Bundling" Pilot Progrom to Coordinote ond 1mprooe Core

EsLubIIsIes u nuLIonuI pIIoL progrum Lo encouruge IospILuIs, docLors und oLIer
provIders Lo work LogeLIer und coordInuLe cure. Under bundIIng, IospILuIs,
docLors und provIders ure puId u IIuL Iee Ior eucI epIsode oI cure, InsLeud oI LIe
currenL sysLem LIuL puys Ior eucI servIce or LesL sepuruLeIy. TIIs provIdes un
IncenLIves Ior provIders Lo work LogeLIer, become more eIIIcIenL und provIde beLLer
quuIILy cure.

815 16
Street, N.W., Fourth Floor North Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 637-5399 Fax: (202) 637-5398

1ncreose Pogments to Primorg Core Prooiders

PrImury cure provIders under MedIcuId wIII be puId uL 1oo% oI MedIcure puymenL
ruLe. TIIs provIsIon Is IuIIy puId Ior by LIe IederuI governmenL.

Preoentioe Core 1unding

TIe Iuw provIdes IundIng Lo sLuLe MedIcuId progrums Lo cover prevenLIve servIces Ior
puLIenLs uL IILLIe or no cosL.

or more InIormuLIon ubouL LIe MedIcure beneIILs LIuL go InLo eIIecL In zo1z, go Lo:
or vIsIL: ILLp:JJwww.IeuILIcure.govJIoryouJsenIorsJIndex.ILmI

To vIew LIe MedIcure zo1 Iundbook vIsIL:

|AprII, zo1|

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