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Student Behavior/Time Tracker

Student Name: Student A Case Manager: Ms. Owen

Resolved: Referrals:




Write Up

March Total Class Time Total Free Time Total Time





225 370 595


Class Time Spent (in Minutes)


Free Time Spent (in Minutes)

** Times do not include check-ins with teachers or minutes in the student's IEP set aside for behavior support **


Incident/Behavior Support

Entering information about all the incidents.



Student A took the cell phone of another student several months ago and said she would charge it for her. At first Student A did not admit to taking the phone, but finally she told the truth. She was asked to bring it to school today and has yet to bring it back. She told another teacher and Ms. Owen that her mom has it and will bring it to the meeting on Friday morning. UPDATE (3/9/12): Student A's mom did not know about the cell phone and did not bring it to the meeting. When Student A was asked about this, she admitted that she didn't tell her mom and that she lied to get out of trouble. Ms. Owen asked Student A how we can remember to bring it on Monday, and Student A suggested writing it in her assignment notebook. Student A also had to call home to her mom and leave a message telling her what happened and to remind her to bring the cell phone on Monday. UPDATE (3/12/12): Student A still did not bring the phone. Ms. Owen will call mom and again this afternoon to remind her to bring it back. UPDATE (3/13/12): Student A finally brought the phone back to school.



Note: Watch out for the clothes Student A wears (layers/condition).


A teacher told Ms. Owen about an incident where Student A had money for pencils?? UPDATE (3/9/12): This morning at Student A's IEP meeting, the story was explained. One of the students in Mrs. L's class is missing mechanical pencils, just like the ones Student A suddenly has. Student A was asked about it and she said she got money from Mrs. M, someone she helps out across the street in her neighborhood. She also said that she got them from J. Her mom said that Mrs. M definitely did not give Student A money, but that J has a lot of pencils and she could have gotten them from his room.


(Owen 2012)

A TA came to Ms. S and Ms. Owen about an incident at breakfast. Student A's tooth hurts so another teacher told her to go in and get something soft for breakfast. According to the cashier (Mrs. A), Student A went into the fridge in the lunch room and took out a string cheese. When asked she said her teacher told her she could. The next day (3/8/12) she tried to do it again but was questioned by the cashier and she tried to get a string cheese until she saw the TA come into the lunch room. She is now denying that she took a string cheese, or that she tried to take/ask for another one the next day. UPDATE (3/9/12): At the end of the day, Student A said she wanted to talk about the cheese incident. She admitted that she did take a cheese. Ms. Owen will follow up with the ladies at breakfast to make sure they know to look out for Student A and to come to Ms. Owen with any issues. Student A passed a note to another student during ISAT saying she had a big butt. Plan time spent working on behavior plan to support student in resource setting.



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Student A was trying to give away things on the bus that she should not have had (cell phones, etc) and the other students did not want them because they knew they would get in trouble for having them. She also was calling people names and talking back to the bus driver, all of which she lied about initially. Turns out the phones are from home, and were extras after family had gotten newer phones. Student A came back to Ms. Owen's room after checking in (after lunch) with Mrs. C and a note that read, "Mrs. Owens Today was well yester day some kids in my class at lunch said I have a crush with him and also inipropet stuff." She explained that students are laughing at her and calling her names, spreading lies about her, etc. Ms. Owen talked with her about how she felt when people lied to her and updated the team on the situation. She will make sure the classroom teacher, specials teachers and lunch supervisors are aware of this so that if there is any bullying, the team can address the situation. Emailing staff on bullying situation. Talking to bus driver. Write a referral for Student A stealing a cheese stick.





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Student A had an incident in art class. She said her friend A told her she heard D call her a whore. When Mrs. D asked what was going on, Student A told Mrs. D she heard D call her a whore. Finally she admitted that she didn't hear anything, and that A was the one who told her that. A got written up for saying the word 'whore' and instigating the problem, and Student A lost points for being off task and lying. Student A also lost points for lying to Ms. Owen about why she got points taken off for art class. Most of her story was accurate, but she said she lost points because Mrs. D asked her what 'whore' meant and thought she was lying when she said she didn't know. Student A said she had a bad night yesterday when she went home. She asked if she could talk to Ms. Owen alone to let her know what happened. [Story]. After making sure she was okay, Ms. Owen had to talk about how an exaggeration means you are lying. They practiced how to tell a truthful story with no exaggerations. Student A tried to use this story as an excuse for why she was having a bad day, why she was off task, etc.






Making a good decisions/bad decisions chart for Student A and Ms. Owen to work on. A and Student A came this morning to discuss an incident on the bus. Ms. Owen was in a meeting, but when she talked to A later he said that people are not behaving on the bus. T has been picking on Student A and Student A has been making up lies (including telling people she was Antwon's sister). When Ms. Owen talked to Student A later, she said that T had been saying nasty things to her, taking her things and throwing them around and trying to kick her. Her mom called T's mom to discuss it, so today T was trying to get A to pick on her. One of the boys threw a purple pencil grip at her that had apparently been put into a condom that was found by Antwon on the playground. The boys then said she was diseased and had AIDS, and that they were going to tell everyone. Ms. Owen will talk to the social worker and the team to decide if their bus needs assigned seats, etc. Write a referral for Student A's three behaviors: art class incident, lying to Ms. Owen and bus incident.






Note: Student A has been wearing multiple layers of clothing and heavy clothes even on the days it has been extremely warm outside. This could potentially be due to issues at home when Student A gets in trouble for misbehaving.

Meet with Mrs. L regarding Student A's recent behavior. Come up with plans for improvement and schedule times to go observe.


(Owen 2012)

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