Java "1.6.0 - 27" Installation On SUN SPARC Servers.: How To Install / Upgrade JAVA?

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Java "1.6.0_27" Installation on SUN SPARC Servers.

How to install / Upgrade JAVA? First things first!! Basic rule of computing. Whenever you are upgrading anything, take a back up of currently installed one. I have in my machine JDK 1.5_24 installed. So, 1) java -version---> Current version of Java #cd /usr/jdk/instances #ls -ld j*---> find out the current java installed directory #tar -cvf java_ver.tar java_ver (ex:tar -cvf jdk1.5.0_24.tar jdk1.5.0_24) ---> take backup of currrntly installed java directory #gzip java_ver.tar #mv java_ver.tar.gz /var/tmp ---> zip & move it to /var/tmp for backup 2) Now, place the downloaded Java latest version files in /usr/jdk/instances. The files may be of extension .sh or may be in encrypted format like .tar.gz , etc. I have with me .sh files i.e. shell executable files as below.. #ls -l JDK_* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 90228204 Oct 12 11:11 ----> For 32 bit -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12831072 Oct 12 11:15 -----> For 64 bit After copying, make sure that execution permissions are set on the self extracting binary file.If not, # chmod +x # chmod +x

3) Executing Java .sh files #java -version ----> check for current java version #cd /usr/jdk #ls -l ----> check for current link files # cd instances #pwd /usr/jdk/instances First run 32 bit java version after that install for 64 bit #./ #./ #ls -l #cd /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0_27/bin #./java -version---> check for newly installed java working properly, it will show "java version "1.6.0_27" 4) Removal of current symbolic links # cd /usr/jdk #ls -l # unlink java # unlink latest # unlink jdk1.5.0_28 #cd /usr/bin:#ls -l j* #unlink java 5) Create sym links for the newly installed Java version #cd /usr/jdk #ln -s instances/jdk1.6.0_27/bin jdk1.6.0_27 #ln -s jdk1.6.0_27/java java #ln -s jdk1.6.0_27 latest #cd /usr/bin #ln -s /usr/jdk/java java #java version

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