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Joe Sixpack 1123 Main Street City, State 12345-6789

March 28, 2011 Certified Mail # 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Sherman Acquisition LP 335 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10017 RE: Account # 1234567...

To Whom It May Concern, This is a request for information only, tendered without prejudice, and is not a statement, election, or waiver of status, nor an admission of liability, nor is it a refusal to pay, but a notice that your claim is being disputed in its entirety. This is a request for validation of this alleged debt as defined by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Be advised that I am not requesting a "verification" that you have my mailing address, I am requesting a "validation; that is, competent evidence that I have some contractual obligation to pay you. Clarification: According to the FTC, a validation of a debt must include both a signed contract and a complete itemization of the account. You can reference this case law/opinion letters at the following two web links.

1. 1.

To summarize: To validate this debt, by law, you must provide a copy of the original signed contract for the alleged debt. As well as a detailed accounting of the alleged debt; including payments made, interest charged, fees charged, etc. Your failure to respond will work as a waiver to any and all of your claims in this matter. Documents I am asking for: 1. A copy of the original contract that has my signature on it.


Any and all documents detailing the accounting of this alleged debt (from inception to current date).

Until such time as you provide these documents, I will take the position that this presentment is erroneous. Failure to respond will be taken to mean that you have "acquiesced" and from that date forward the concept of "Estoppel by silence/acquiescence" shall prevail. Do not call me at home or work. Do not contact any of my friends or relatives. I request that all contact be done via US postal mail.

Best Regards,

Joe Sixpack

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